Best Blockchain Startup 2019?

Rick Graham
Published in
5 min readSep 5, 2019

If you have been following our story over the past 18 months, you know what we’ve had to put ourselves through. Unlike many projects like us, the rise and fall of eternal glory has not come to pass yet. Throughout the apparent crypto winter of 2018, we didn’t seem phased, but that didn’t make things any easier.

TLDR; vote evedo for the CESAwards 2019 for Best Blockchain Startup of 2019

Vote Evedo for Best Blockchain Startup #CESAwards2019

Why didn’t it phase us? Because we’re not focused on crypto. We are a product company and so we are focused on making good products. Our moonshot is no small feat.

Here is where we are today

evedo events! our alpha B2B event SaaS platform

Our ambition is to build an ecosystem for the events industry. A B2B space where Entertainers can schedule their gigs and get payments. Where Managers can schedule their Entertainers and get their cut, Venues Owners can manage their Venues, schedule their Entertainers, Staff, and Services, and yes, manage payments. Where Organizers can manage all the different partners and have all the communication with those partners in a single space. Say goodbye to emails, text messages, whatsapp’s, messenger chats, and saying “where was that message again?”… oh yea, and payments.

“Why do you need a token?”

Often the first ask… A picture that seems to baffle me to have to paint. We are not so much about the eved token as we are about smart contracts. Our smart contracts allow us lock agreements of Partners of an Event. Partners can see their portion of the revenues live on the blockchain, and feel warm and fuzzy that their money, is waiting for them upon completion of the event.

What if there is a problem?

Well that makes the blockchain helpful as well. Any of the Partners (preferably more than one) can raise a dispute and we can review what happened..the aim is for full consensus across all event Partners either way so as to keep the agreement autonomous. Ideally, Partners of an event can manage any issues that arise themselves, but if not we can step in.

What happens if the event is cancelled?

We can immediately return the funds directly to the consumer! Unheard of service. That’s what we are aiming for. We have accounts for all partners, and all consumers, depending on the circumstances, we can have it all covered.

Do you really need the blockchain for that?

Its true, it could be done without the blockchain, but not with immediate results, not with transparency, not without having to trust, and with no human resources. The highest value comes from being able to offer a solution that includes a 0% fee escrow service for our B2B partners, and 0% commission on ticket sales for their consumers in the B2C. That cannot be done with the blockchain, or our token.

evedo tickets! our turn-key B2C tickets marketplace

On the B2C side, we have a marketplace for tickets, for your communities of event goers, and your business’s. Patrons and fans will be able to manage their tickets, see their upcoming events, and explore concerts, conferences, and festivals around the globe. However, the Tickets Marketplace is so much more than that. We currently have this product in demo, but will be opening opportunities to partnerships interested in using the ticket marketplace in the coming weeks.

From small events to massive festivals, conference tours to major sports leagues, the Tickets Marketplace is a turn-key solution to most events companies biggest nightmare. Our subscriptions handle the full spectrum of event organization, from the Individual, to small Teams, to medium and large Companies and Organizations handling a supply chain of thousands of people across hundreds of events a year.

Those Companies and Organizations will be able to brand the marketplace, host their events exclusively, and under their preferred domain, with just a push of the button. Give us the ok, and all your troubles will go you can handle the hard stuff. Individuals and small Teams will be able to host their tickets from their websites through widgets or via their Facebook fan pages.

Sound too good to be true? …well it is, but not for much longer.

Sign up for our B2B Alpha. Help us grow our ecosystem of Event Partners. If you’re a Venue Owner, an Entertainer, a Festival, Conference, or Sporting League Organization, Evedo is for you. If your a Brand seeking Sponsorship opportunities, an Event Organizing Company, or a Talent Agency, My advice? Get into the ecosystem while it’s still early in the game, or you might find that you’re perfectly suited, to a world that no longer exists.


If you love what we are doing, please take a moment and vote Evedo for Best Blockchain Startup of 2019 in the Central European Startup Awards. Winners go onto the Global Startup Awards and we hope that, with your support, to be standing up there, facing a new kind of Entertainment industry.

Want to show your love and support in some more ways?! Let me show you how..

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Stay Tuned.



Rick Graham
Editor for

Founder, CTO, pragmatic polyglot, autodidactic maker, and adventurous seeker. I have lived and worked from 20+ countries developing web, software, and ideas.