EVED listed in EazySwap

Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2020

One of the most professional and advanced semi-decentralized matching Protocols

Find the EVED token, trade, or add liquidity easily.

We are happy to announce that the EVED token is part of Bitforex’s semi-decentralized platform EazySwap.

Some of the features of EasySwap are listed below

  • 1EazySwap, Sub-Platform of BitForex Cryptocurrency Exchange. All the trading records and details are available on the ERC20 Blockchain system.
  • 2EazySwap provides the most user-friendly structure designed to solve the “High Gas Fee” problem. In the meantime, it remains the decentralization advantage. ZERO gas fees are available for any transaction in the system.
  • 3The liquidity pool provider of EazySwap can receive the reward of up to 80% of the trading fees.
  • 4EazySwap is currently supporting the ERC20-based tokens, and mainnet tokens will be supported soon.

Why Choose EazySwap?

With a low barrier of listing requirements for the project.

Unique rewarding system for the user and liquidity provider.

One of the most professional and advanced semi-decentralized matching Protocols with 100% trading data on-chain structure.

How to use EazySwap?

  1. Login to your Bitforex account. If you don’t have an account feel free to REGISTER.
  2. Open the EazySwap website: https://www.bitforex.com/en/eazyswap
  3. Transfer tokens and ETH to your DeFi account. https://www.bitforex.com/en/userCenter/userMyAssets
  4. Enjoy the low fee trading and add liquidity to the trading pair easy and fast.

If you want to become a part of the event change follow our community channels:

Website: www.evedo.co

Email: info@evedo.co

Telegram: https://t.me/evedoco

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/evedo.co

Twitter: https://twitter.com/evedotoken

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Evedo

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evedo.co



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