Evedo Update: December 2019

Published in
2 min readDec 11, 2019

December is often a month of colours, music and celebrations. For us is time to introduce our ticketing!

Surely, December is finally here. And as we are slowly coming to the end of the year, it’s time for our monthly update.

Platform & Company & Team updates:

  • Even though the ticketing of our platform is still not released with its full functionalities, we have received a tremendous amount of interest. The ticketing side of Evedo will be released as soon as we finalise all the tests and the payment functionality.
  • We recently decided to integrate more content in our blog, as we will announce new topics and series with interviews.
  • We are currently in negotiation with few more exchanges and we hope to see our token listed in many places. This is extremely vital for us.
  • The number of registered artists and performers onboarded in the platform is flying. We receive at least 5 submissions on a daily basis. Of course, our team carefully curates the participants allowed to become part of the event change. You can check them out here.
  • Our marketing and business development team attended Malta Blockchain Summit last month, as well as the finals of the Central European Start Up Awards. We had a chance to meet a lot of people interested in blockchain and decentralized technologies, and we got a lot of people excited about decentralized event organizing.
  • We are currently planning on attending the The World Economic Forum in Davos in January (21–24th). Ping us if you want to meet during the satellite networking events.

Are you intersted in the events change? Join us at www.evedo.co !

Evedo is online:

Website: www.evedo.co
Email: info@evedo.co
Telegram: https://t.me/evedoco
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/evedo.co/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/evedotoken



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A decentralized events ecosystem uniting all the participants in the industry. www.evedo.co #evedo #evedtoken