Ten ways to stay active and healthy while at the office!

Amirah Mahomed
Published in
6 min readJun 13, 2017


Many Canadians find themselves too busy at work or home to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to take care of themselves. Here are ten tips that can help you to get moving and keeping healthy while busy at work.

  1. Instead of using the elevator or escalator to get to your office, use the stairs!

Taking the stairs can be a great way to get the blood flowing first thing in the morning. Rather than going straight for the chair, take this chance to get active before settling into your seat. However, if you are like many where your office is five floors or more and the stairs will take too much time, what you can do is get off earlier and then walk up rather than going the whole way. By taking the stairs, you can work on both your cardiovascular system while toning your body.

2. Always have a bottle of water at your desk

Most people are dehydrated at work because they often forget to drink water or are drinking too much coffee, or even both! An easy way to keep your body hydrated and feeling good is to have a bottle of water at your desk so you feel more inclined to drink it. Studies have shown that students who have water on their desk when taking a test have better results, so imagine what it can do for your concentration at work.

3. Pack a lunch and snacks for work the night before

Bringing snacks and lunches from home is always a great choice because it gives you the opportunity to save money, and know what’s going into your food. Buying lunches and snacks every day can take a toll on both your body and your bank account. Many of us don’t have time in the morning to pack a lunch, so do it the night before and then you don’t have to worry about it in the morning. Just toss your lunch in your bag and you’re ready to go.

4. Tea rather than coffee

Coffee is a great tradition for many Canadians in their morning schedule and has become a routine. Despite the great taste and energy boost from coffee, the increase in dehydration, levels of cortisol (a stressing causing hormone) and the all-knowing crash when the caffeine leaves your system affects your body everyday. By switching to tea, not only are you getting lower levels of caffeine, but you are having less of the negative effects. Also, by drinking teas such as matcha, you are helping circulate antioxidants in the body while improving your metabolism. Tea is another way to achieve the same goal as coffee but help your body at the same time.

5. Take a break from the screens

Many jobs nowadays often involve looking at a screen all day. Knowing it is almost impossible to prevent this, there are small actions to help reduce the amount of screen time. When going to the bathroom or even to get something to drink, leave the phone at the desk so that you don’t feel inclined to look at it and let your eyes and brain relax a little. Also take walking breaks without phones to get your body moving. People often forget their phone is a screen too, so to truly get a break ensure all technology is tucked away whether at your desk or in a bag.

6. Have walking meetings rather than sitting ones

The way in which business has always been conducted is to have a formal sit-down meeting. Even though these are important and are necessary, it is easy to change up some of your less important meetings to be walking ones. By walking and talking with those who are attending the meeting, it allows you to get some activity, and bring some fun into your daily meetings. Rather than sitting in the same room, walking around and seeing different things allows your mind to explore different possibilities rather than keeping your brain locked in the meeting space.

7. Get outside and smell the roses

Fresh air is critical! Often many of us are stuck inside the whole day, under fluorescent lighting with the same recycled air. Going outside to get fresh air and a change of scenery will give your mind and body a break, helping you recharge for the work that you have to do. Our minds get tired from being in one place for too long, and by giving it the chance to change it up, you are doing your body and work a favor. Even eating outside for your lunch break is rewarding because you are not only feeding yourself with food but with sunlight. Across Canada, many Canadians are often found to have a deficiency in vitamin D, so get out into the sun (but always put sunscreen on!).

8. Daily spring cleaning

Taking a bit of time at the end of each day to clear and clean up your desk for tomorrow is a great way to help reflect on your day, what you achieved, and start your next day fresh. Often when people have a cluttered desk, their brains are also cluttered, making it harder to focus and be as effective. Everyone at a certain point will burn out if they are experiencing too much stress. By taking a little time to have a clear desk you are decompressing from the day and enabling yourself to have a little less stress for the day to come.

9. Go a little further

At most offices, there are often several bathrooms or water fountains, that are in different spots. Try going to one that is furthest from your desk. Adding in some extra walking from your desk to other spots in the office will not only help you take a break from your screen but also allow you to stretch your legs. As our society becomes more computer dependent, some say sitting has become the new smoking for this generation.

10. Just Breath

Most of all, just breath. Often throughout the work day stress levels go up and down like a roller coaster impacting our mental health too. When there are high levels of stress, all you have to do is sit for a moment and breath. An anti-stress breathing technique that has been shown to be effective is called square breathing. Using this technique you breathe in for four counts, hold for four counts, breathe out for four counts, hold for four counts, and continue the cycle. By actively controlling and being aware of your breath, you start to feel more secure and in control, resulting in less stress build-up. Having overall health and wellness doesn’t just mean physical, it also includes mental health.

Hopefully, these tips allow you to start taking control of your well-being while at work without it feeling overwhelming. If you were to do all ten tips in a day it would take no more than 20 minutes, and the time you take doing these activities would make you more productive at work while taking care of yourself.

If we missed any other important tips to stay healthy and active in the office or something you do that’s helpful, let us know! We would love to hear how our fellow Canadians improve their daily well-being while at work.

