“Access Denied” -Final Project

Evelyn —
Crowded Thoughts
Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2016

My final project consists of making an animation about the web on the web. My main thought in creating this was making something first in the “real world” relating to the web and transferring it into a digital component. The theme of the piece is our obliviousness to the real world when trying to access it via artificial means. The window humors this idea; how we can interact with the world everyday by just going outside.

The vastness of the world is not increased or downgraded by the internet, it is simply more accessible. As the future brings forth more technology and as we increase the usage of technology in our lives the more we take it for granted. Viewing our internet access as a right and not as a privilege we become enraged when we can not access it; we become anxious that we are missing something.

However, we are aware that this withdrawal anxiety over missing “something” is completely irrational. We have never been able to see every corner of the web nor see every new development or contribution. Even when we sleep we are oblivious to the expansion of our social media newsfeed. Despite all this we want the instant access and the instant availability.

We carry our phones with us constantly, but why? Checking our phones 3 times a day would likely suffice, but we get a similar anxiety when we are without it …. “what if someone wants to contact me?” we ponder. It seems like we forget what happens if we are without our phones or the internet.

It’s nothing… nothing will happen if we are without a phone or internet and that’s the problem.

We want something to be able to happen and so we carry our phone with is everywhere visit the web multiple times daily. Perhaps this comes from our need to contribute and we feel that accessibility allows us to contribute something (a thought, advice, an answer) and we feel empowered by this; the internet to us has became the caveman’s discovery to fire.


Below is my process:

First I cut out squares to draw each frame on.

Next I drew each frame.

Then I scanned and put each frame on to PhotoShop and cropped each image. Lastly I made them into an animation via the timeline function.

