Our fav mobile app research sites

Rebecca Adel
Monday — The Dynamo Blog


The toughest part about starting a new project can often be that initial stage of research. Where to look? What to look for? Here are some of our go-to resources for ideas and inspiration.

Mobile Design Inspiration Tumblr

This Tumblr account has a glut of cool and current UI/UX examples. They’re displayed in an infinite-scroll waterfall flow, unfortunately without a filtering option. It’s nonetheless our go-to when we’re not looking for anything specific and need inspiration, pronto. Plus, they have a ton of animated GIFs. Love.

Android Niceties

We see apps following the iOS guidelines all the time, but it’s rarer to see the same for Android. This is a great site that fills this gap. It also unfortunately does not contain any filtering options; it is simply sorted from recent at the top to older posts below.


With an exclusive, invite-only account creation process, there is nothing but high quality work on Dribbble. It’s another one of our go-to sites when we need to do some research quick and see what’s new and trending in mobile app development.


This UI/UX site has come a long way in the last two years. There are plenty of sorting methods now - including a laundry list of categories, popularity rankings, year published, or tags. Highly recommend!

UX Archive

This is one of our longtime favourites because we get to sort through and view entire app flows, quickly and easily. If you know exactly what you’re looking for, this site is for you.

Mobile Patterns

This site is wonderful for random browsing the “Recently Added” section, or if you’re hunting for specific screens and UI elements. Although it’s only updated only every couple months, it still has some solid, classic examples.


This site features mainly live animation and UX examples, where you can hover or click the screens to play the animations. You can also sort through the screens by pattern or by components (animation types). Too bad it’s not not updated more often.


Did we miss one of your preferred mobile app research tools? Comment below or tweet us!

