picture by Patrick Pilz

Remote Year — Change of plans

Laurent Dario
Monday — The Dynamo Blog
3 min readJan 27, 2017


Remember when I was supposed to be in Croatia in January and travel with Remote Year for all of 2017? Well, that’s not happening anymore, the itinerary got cancelled… But I’m still going!

In fact, this last minute change is a better scenario. In hindsight, I wasn’t quite ready, technically or mentally, to leave the country I settled in eight years ago to go on a crazy adventure quite yet. So get ready for a new schedule and new cities, because Southeast Asia has been added to the itinerary, and it only kicks off February 1st! So it’s still happening, still awesome and exciting, and starting really soon.

Codename: Kublai

Each itinerary in the Remote Year program has a name. The one I’m joining is Kublai, so you can expect to see this itinerary name pop up on my social media or on future blog posts.

I will still be visiting Europe and South America, but only for periods of four months, respectively. Prior to that, I will be spending four months in Southeast Asia, in Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. I’m really pumped to visit more of the world on this new itinerary, as I was initially going only to Europe and South America.

Southeast Asia Itinerary

With so many wonderful places and landscapes to discover along the way, this addition to the itinerary is a blessing. I plan to spam Instagram and Snapchat with stunning pictures

My itinerary for the rest of the adventure has also changed. I am now going to Belgrade, Lisbon, Prague and Sofia in Europe. Then heading to South America to work from Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Santiago (Chile) and Lima, making this itinerary a way more legit “trip around the world”.

Europe & South America

With a few days left before leaving Montreal, I’m pretty confident that this route is a final one! I’ve also had the chance to start to get to know my fellow Remoters through a Facebook group. We’re sixty-five people, including ten nationalities with a few Canadians from Ontario and Quebec.

You can follow my adventures right here, with a monthly blog post planned for each city, exploring the culture of all of these cool places. I’ll also try to get some insights into what it’s like to work in the countries I’m visiting as much as I possibly can, through meet-ups organized with local workers. Feel free to follow me on Instagram and Snapchat for more visual insight on what this is all about! See you in February, with my first dispatch from Kuala Lumpur.



Laurent Dario
Monday — The Dynamo Blog

French Web Developer based in Montreal. Working for Glossier. I’m currently in Sofia, Bulgaria, with the Remote Year Kublai crew !