The Designamo Roundup, August 2016

Summertime web picks from your favourite designers.

Louise Heng
Monday — The Dynamo Blog
2 min readAug 16, 2016


It feels like it was just yesterday that we were celebrating the arrival of June, aka. the beginning of summer… How have we got all the way over here, to the middle of August aka The End of Summer? *cue dramatic music*

The past month has been particularly eventful for us: we’ve finally moved into our new office space! While the rooftop patio isn’t completely finished, we are still finding ways to enjoy the weather. Here are some of our favourite seasonal website finds right now:

A selection of the pins you can purchase to support Hillary Clinton.

Moving away from critiquing American election campaign branding, we love the Forty-Five Pin Project. Showcasing 45 graphic designers, these buttons for Hillary’s campaign are diverse, beautiful and inspiring!

Create your own remixes, incorporating video and audio, with this amazing piece of web-tech Arkade.London. Be warned: you may end up spending hours on this page, trying to create the perfect mix.

Speaking of summertime feels, we are loving the way MamboMambo is embodying the vacation mood on their website. A Québec City based agency, we can’t help but pocket this site to pull out in the depths of our brutal winters… just to remind us there is hope!

We’re also really loving the design and mission behind the Sage Project. This site is chock full of beautiful illustrations, animations and just enough whimsy. But don’t let that distract you from the amazing wealth of information about all the food you eat. They’ve made it all too easy to understand what eating all those veggie chips from Whole Foods really means for you.

Last but not least, our BFF, the guy who is always there for us, Clark from Invision, just got a new website!

