Publishing Dart Packages with Github Actions

A tutorial that will get you started with automated publishing of Dart packages to the package repository, in less than 3 minutes.

Dennis Alund
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2019


In a couple of minutes from now, you will have a Github Action workflow that does all the heavy lifting of publishing your dart package or Flutter plugin to for you.

Let’s get started.

Get your credentials

First you need to get and setup your credentials for publishing the package. Make sure that you publish your first version manually from the command line so that your package gets listed and you become the owner of that listing.

After that, find your credentials.json file either in ~/.pub-cache or ~/<your flutter root>/.pub-cache/

Copy your access and refresh tokens and create secret variables in your Github project and name them “OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN” and “OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN” respectively. They will match the names in the script below later.

Set up your Github Actions workflow

You can either choose to setup your actions direcly from the Github website or just add this YAML configuration file into your project and push the change to the Github repository.


Publishing new versions

This script will now publish a new version of your package to every time you merge to the master branch.

It’s important to rember that each new version that you are publishing must have a new semantic version number in your pubspec.yaml and you should also declare a corresponding explanation of what you have updated in the The deployment will complain if you don’t.



Dennis Alund
Editor for

Google Developer Expert for Firebase, nerd and passionate problem solver | Founder of Kumpul coworking space in Bali