60% is a milestone

EVEN Foundation
EVEN Platform
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2019
EVEN team

60% of EVEN full-time team is on this photo

60% of our team is software developers

60% (or EVEN more) of our platform is ready for today

We have completed the following components of the platform: Rated DAG and SoDA. Test Net sucessfully processes P2P transactions.

Rated DAG

Rated DAG is a directed acyclic graph that takes nodes’ ratings into account. The algorithm is a quasi-determined asynchronous Byzantine fault tolerance (aBFT) protocol with a choice of leaders based on a rating with regard to disseminating information to the network at the moment the consensus is computed. The algorithm uses the memory of the network state and the transaction dissemination history.

The Rated DAG algorithm is horizontally scalable, so as the number of network participants rises, the number of transactions will also rise in direct proportion to the growth of the EVEN Network. Transaction processing time is an important factor. In preliminary tests, it ranges from 1 to 30 seconds.
The algorithm works in an untrusted environment on the condition that at least two thirds of network participants broadcasting transactions are trusted. Rated DAG does not use Proof-of-Work and does not form a blockchain in the usual sense. This means that all productivity is directed to transmitting data within the network. At the same time, confirmation of transactions depends on a reverse analysis of the history back to the initiator, which makes the system more effective when compared to first-generation blockchains.

Safe of Digital Assets (SoDA)

For working with diverse blockchain protocols the cross-chain operations layer will use Safe of Digital Assets (SoDA) conceptual storage. This is distributed storage for digital assets operating under the Cross-Chain Interaction Protocol (CIP). This storage solution makes it possible to securely store cryptocurrencies and digital assets and carry out cross-chain exchanges. The cross-chain operations layers are simultaneously part of the EVEN Network infrastructure and blockchain nodes on other networks. These nodes can be compared to a network of centralized cryptocurrency exchanges, each of which supports one or more specialized (native) wallets on different blockchains and performs cross-chain operations according to a single set of rules.

