Current status of the EVEN project

EVEN Foundation
EVEN Platform
Published in
1 min readNov 26, 2019
EVEN business developers Dmitry and Alex
  1. We continue to work on a platform that was publicly tested in October. We demonstrated nodes, transactions, and file storage. In future releases, we will introduce smart contracts, cross-chain protocol, and mining. On the platform, it will be possible to create services, decentralized applications, and business solutions.
EVEN developers

2. Even though the platform is not yet ready, we are also developing the first MVP on it. The service uses distributed file storage, which is already part of our platform. The product will be the building block for a decentralized workflow between cooperating organizations.

3. We are working on several corporate cases with our partners. We aim to make the business more open and create tools for cooperation. But we also keep in touch with our community. EVEN will be a public project based on a community of miners, developers, and partners.

