The marketing research of crypto community. Part 1: general overview

EVEN Foundation
EVEN Platform
Published in
3 min readJun 20, 2019

In June 2019 we have launched the marketing research and asked our community to answer the dozen of questions. We publish some of the results in our blog and invite you to discuss it.

What do we want to know about the crypto community

EVEN Foundation develops two main products:

  1. EVEN Network, which is the decentralized platform with native cryptocurrency;
  2. EVEN dApp, the mass-market decentralized application.
    The research was devoted to the practical needs of the second product development.

We consider our audience as potential users of EVEN dApp. Here are two main areas which we explored about them:

  • What are their relationships with the cryptocurrency world?
    The survey covered a variety of tokens in possession, ways to collect those tokens, cryptocurrency spendings including amounts and shopping categories.
  • What application they would use?
    We explored the current preferences of the audience: wallets, exchanges, mobile applications. We asked about their needs, concerns, and experience to define priority features of our future product.
    Most questions were open-ended, so we didn’t limit survey participants with predefined options. Also, this approach helped us to make sure that participants didn’t pick random answers.

Who is our audience

Our audience is participants of airdrop, bounty and referral programs. 436 respondents are an active part of this audience. The country breakdown is the following:

Notice: the survey was in English or in Russia, that was convenient for some users, while other users could not take part due to the language barrier.

Let’s take a look at the average salaries in these countries. Here is a GDP per capita in USD (which in most cases matches with average annual salary):

  • Indonesia 3,871
  • Russia 11,327
  • Philippines 3,104
  • India 2,036
  • Ukraine 2,963
  • Nigeria 2,049

Except for Russia, the average wage is $2000–4000. We didn’t ask a question about income in a survey, as it was not anonymous. But we asked our users about savings in cryptocurrency.

The quarter of the respondents do not possess any cryptocurrency. The average amount of savings demonstrates that they consider cryptocurrency more as an experiment or gambling than the financial instrument.

This chart shows, that our audience understands the difference between cryptocurrency and tokens: they may possess cryptocurrency (ETH, BTC), but do not collect tokens.

Also, this chart tells that many of them are new in bounty hunting. Our great responsibility is to expand the crypto community and to keep new members interested and enthusiastic.

The last chart in this part of our report became a surprise for us. We assumed that bounty hunters and crypto investors are different audiences. As you can see, most of our participants bought tokens.

Moreover, if you compare it with the previous chart, you will find out, that share of token owners almost match with the share of token purchasers.

At the conclusion to this part of the report, we emphasize the significance of the bounty community to the crypto projects. They sincerely support chosen projects by their actions and money. Currently market underestimates the community development level and the potential benefits of huge and motivated community. Reading the responses, we realized that the level of crypto literacy and awareness is high.

Next time we will discuss mining, crypto spendings, and applications. Keep in touch!

