Stressed? Try a Five Minute Dance Party

Becca Morgenne
Published in
3 min readAug 12, 2016

We’ve all been there, having too much to do and not enough time. It could be at school, at work, or even at home. You’re working nonstop to accomplish a goal, and the stress is starting to get to you. Every minute that passes, you can feel the hysteria sink in just a little bit more.

The problem with stress is that it generally makes you less productive. Your mind is overheating so you’re more likely to make mistakes. The more mistakes you make, the more stressed you get. It’s a never ending cycle of yuck.

We tend to glorify people who push through the bad to achieve their goals. However, doing that usually leaves you running ragged near the end. Instead of straining yourself, try taking a moment to improve your mental health. So how do you jump-start yourself when stress is taking over? Take a break for just one song, and dance like no one’s watching.

It gets your body moving

In times of stress, it’s important to remember the words of Elle Woods. Exercise raises endorphin levels, and endorphins make you happy. While an impromptu dance break might not feel like exercise, it’s a mini cardio session. This is especially helpful if you’ve been sitting in one position for a long period of time. Your body gets sluggish sitting around, and you start to feel tired everywhere. Taking a minute to dance around like Beyonce will wake up your body and raise your heart rate. Once you’re done dancing, you’ll feel more energized and ready to take on any problem.

It gives your brain a rest

When your brain hits a wall, the best way to get it working again is to walk away. However, it usually takes more than physically removing yourself from the stressor to stop thinking about it. You need to fully engage yourself in something else so you can shut off that part of your mind. The great thing about music is everyone has at least one song that helps perk them up. Using music as positive distraction means you go back to work happy. A happy brain is more likely to think of new ways to tackle problems. So throw yourself into a high-energy song and shut off your brain for a few minutes. Feel free to get really into it and belt out the lyrics too.

It’s only five minutes

It’s hard to stop working when you’re pressed for time, but how much of a difference does five minutes make? Wouldn’t it be worth losing five measly minutes if you not only accomplished your goals, but actually felt good afterwards? Plus, taking five minutes for yourself can help you finish faster. If you take a moment for a stress-relieving break, you can go back to work revitalized. A small dance break gives you a chance to catch your second wind. With your newfound energy, you can go back and kick your work’s butt.

Getting your work done is important, but don’t let your mental health be collateral damage. You can accomplish your goals and not feel completely drained. Taking a small dance break will help you not get toppled over by stress. So next time stress starts to set in, stop what you’re doing for five minutes and shake it off.

What are some songs you like to dance to? Leave your favorite dance tune recommendations as a response below!

