“Fast or slow, we’re giving you the tools to grow.”

The Stress Relieving Powers of Pokemon Go



Yeah, I know Pokemon Go launched months ago. I know there’s already a decent amount of people who have moved past the game due to server errors and lack of Pikachu’s and what have you. I get it. However, this is the first time I’ve been able to get my phone to log on to the game in a few months, and now I’m getting to experience the game all over again. Taking the forced hiatus let me come back to a much less sluggish version of the game, with more interesting features than when I first started back in July.

Now all the sudden, I’m going on nighttime walks through the city to see if I can catch myself a Jynx. I’m logging in on the bus to work to catch all the Pokestops I can as I speed pass, and maybe a Jigglypuff if I’m lucky. I’m re-immersing myself in a game I truly love, but perhaps was released a bit too soon.

During this past week of catching em’ all with reinforced vigor, I’ve noticed that it’s doing great things for my stress levels. Here are some of the benefits I’ve noticed.

It occupies your mind in a stress-free way

This can be said for most mobile games. For me, the best way to relieve stress is to do something I enjoy that also occupies all of my attention, so I don’t have the chance to think about any stressors. For me, Pokemon Go is one of those apps that achieves that. I am so focused on being on the hunt that I can’t think about work or homework or replaying that one bad social interaction that happened five years ago. I am only focused on being the very best, like no one ever was.

It gets you moving

Exercise is a great way to reduce stress, but thinking about exercising usually stresses me out. The last thing I want to do after a long day is get off of my couch and work out. Sure, if I did get up and work out, I’d find out it wasn’t as hard as I had imagined. I’d feel refreshed and happy that I did it. But to do that, I still need the motivation to get off the couch. Pokemon Go gives me that. It gives me incentive to get up and move around, making me exercise without thinking about it. Tell me there’s a Squirtle nearby and I’m out the door man.

It gives you a sense of accomplishment

Getting rewards for doing things is always nice. Perhaps getting a medal for catching 10 fairy-type Pokemon doesn’t do much for me in the real world, but it does make me feel nice. When I accomplish something in the game, I still get a nice rush from achieving a goal. It isn’t lessened because it’s just a game. That’s the beauty of games. Leveling up or getting past a difficult task makes you feel good. However, I personally am not very good at videogames. Pokemon Go is a game I can succeed at and feel good about the progress I make in it. When I’m frustrated or feeling stuck in life, at least I know there are easily attainable goals in the game.

Cute animals. ‘Nuff said.

I am the type of person who never says no to a cute cat gif. I’m all for the healing powers of cute animals. My cat’s ridiculously fluffy cheeks are a source of never-ending joy for me. So, I’m a big fan of an app where I get to go out and catch different creatures of varying levels of cuteness. This mainly has led to me amassing a ridiculously large collection of Eevees, but I digress. Point is; making new Pokemon friends makes me happy. Every time I catch a new one, I excitedly scroll through its stats and try and come up with a clever name (my favorite so far has been Captain Jack Spearow). More than once, I’ve run over to my boyfriend, shoving my phone in his face, shouting “look at my new friend!!!” I love my collection of Pokemon, and I like to believe that they love me back.

Overall, I think games and apps are great stress relievers, but I really appreciate what Pokemon Go does for me. The game is not perfect, but it’s definitely a lot less buggy than when I started. I think it’s only going to get better from here. Either way, it’s good to know that whenever I’m having a bad day, I can quick log in, catch a Pidgey or two, and slowly feel my stress melt away.

Do you have any apps you like to play when you’re feeling stressed? Let us know in the comments below!

