Real-Time Streaming for Mortals: How Redpanda and Materialize Making It a Reality

How these non-JVM based products make stream processing accessible for the masses by reducing the operational overhead

Dunith Danushka
Tributary Data


Photo by AJ Robbie on Unsplash

They say that data is the new crude oil. You have to extract it and refine it before making good use of it.

But what if the entire refinement process takes too long? What value can you get from the data that didn’t arrive on time?

I would say we should treat data as perishable goods. The earlier you have them, the faster you process them; you’ll get the most value out of them.

The value of data decays over time. That’s why organizations are ditching their batch pipelines in favor of real-time stream processing systems.

But, real-time event-driven systems are not for everyone. It takes a dedicated team of distributed system engineers to build and operate these systems in production that solves petabyte-scale big data problems. That often demands talent in Java or Scala.

Today, I discuss Redpanda and Materialize, two revolutionary technologies that democratize the real-time event processing domain. Altogether, they make stream processing accessible for the masses.



Dunith Danushka
Tributary Data

Editor of Tributary Data. Technologist, Writer, Senior Developer Advocate at Redpanda. Opinions are my own.