The AppleWatch and YOU!

A PSA for Event Promoters

Event Foundry
4 min readMar 10, 2015


Love it or hate it, the Apple Watch is an intriguing piece of technology. As SpinGo continues to be at the forefront of the event industry, we’ve been thinking of all the different ways we could use the latest wearable at our next big event. Here are five that came immediately to mind, with a future list coming out when we can actually get our hands on one.

1. DJing From Your Wrist

Regardless of the type, most events have some kind of playlist going on in the background. Whether this is your main source of entertainment or is simply there to provide ambience, the music you play will definitely set the tone for your event and your guests. With that in mind, how rad would it be to have that control on your wrist? With the ability to skip a track that doesn’t fit the mood or to take an instant request, having that ability at your fingertips would keep you from being tethered to the sound system. Of course, this is no substitute for an ACTUAL DJ, but is an easy way to control content for those smaller get togethers.

2. Camera Control

How the Apple Watch interacts with the camera on your phone is still somewhat hazy, but we can only guess that the two will play well together. A second set of eyes is invaluable as you try to keep your attendees happy. Simply pick up one of these and you can mount your iPhone just about anywhere. Being able to monitor the catering, DJ, dance floor, etc. from your wrist will not only keep you from bouncing all over the place, but is the closest thing to being in two places at once. With your phone mounted in the right place, you can capture way better pictures of your event without having to resort to the lower quality “selfie camera.”

3. Constant Event Feed

Creating and curating a unique hashtag enables an easy way to find and share content from your event. This can be great for gathering media to be used later on but also gives your attendees a platform to broadcast on. This is generally a good thing, but social media is known for being a place where users can be a little too honest. Setting alert notifications on Twitter and Facebook can help you to control this feed, allowing you to quickly glance down at your wrist every time a new post is created. In a good situation, positive posts can be shared and retweeted immediately on the event’s official account. In a bad situation, any fires that need urgent attention can be controlled, preventing others from having a bad time.

4. Timely Reminders

Half the battle of having a successful event is keeping things on time. Rotating performers, cueing the catering, or organizing multiple stages all fall under this struggle. We’ve all set reminders on our phone, only to have them go unnoticed as the alarm is drowned out and the vibration going unfelt in our pockets or purse. Setting up those same schedules and reminders but having them being fed to a constantly visible screen could make all the difference. Plus with “Taptic Feedback,” it will be harder for those notifications to get lost in the shuffle.

5. Quick Response

With any of the suggestions listed about, a quick message or response may be needed for them to be full effective. You may want your DJ to slow things down as the night comes to a close or you may want to give a short cue for the next performer. In many of these instances, a one or two word message is all that is needed. Programming your most commonly used messages into your Apple Watch would provide an easy way to reach out or respond without ever reaching into your pocket.

These ideas come from the limited apps demonstrated today. We can only imagine what other creative uses will emerge . What are your thoughts? Is the cost of the Apple Watch worth it for the ideas listed above? What other ideas have you thought of? What uses WOULD make it worth it? Comment below and we’ll credit the best ideas in our next list after the April launch.



Event Foundry

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