Hooray — we’ve hit 1000 Slack installs 🎉

Joe Wadcan
Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2018

This week Eventbot hit 1000 active installs on Slack 🎉 ! We’re really humbled and happy to be providing value to so many Slack teams, so we decided to share a few tidbits from our experience.

A step in the ripe direction

But before that, a huge thank you to our users ! Eventbot is a direct result of the feedback from lots of our users. From Ingress teams, crypto clubs, to restaurants, and football leagues — you’ve been fantastic and we appreciate every little feature request, idea, and of course … all the awesome events you’ve made ! 💚 💜 💚

Eventbot has had a pretty wild ride so far — we went from two dozen installs (mostly friends), to 1000 installs in under 6 weeks ! We know exactly where they came from… Slack’s App Directory! As a bot built for Slack, we expected the App Directory to be our most important channel — but we didn’t expect so many people to actively search for a product like ours. It’s a great sign for the ecosystem and a god send for user acquisition 🙏 !

Eventbot has made lots of friends

Naturally, we started to ask ourselves … are we doing well? Is this normal ? We’ve got less than 2 months of growth data and when we tried to benchmark our stats, we found surprisingly little to compare against. So we decided to publish some of our own numbers and hopefully it’s helpful to other bot developers.

— Uninstall rate of ~13% cumulatively: We have no idea if this is good or bad but we’ve got some features in the pipeline to (hopefully) bring that number down a bit. More importantly, we’ve been sending a short note to folks who’ve uninstalled Eventbot. It’s just a small message thanking folks for trying Eventbot and asking for suggestions but it’s become a great source of actionable feedback. It makes sense too, because if someone cares enough to pull you out of their Slack workspace, there’s likely a good reason! 👂 📈

— About 60% of our installs have an Americas timezones: Again, we don’t know if this is a consistent across Slack bots, but we imagine this tracks closely to Slack’s own install base. The West coast timezone alone accounts for 30% of our installs! Of course workspace timezones and user timezones can differ greatly, but for now it’s safe to say there’s lots of Californians using Eventbot 😎 🌴 !

We’ll definitely be posting more as Eventbot evolves, but until then, a big ol’ thanks to all the Eventbot users, as well as the Slack API support team for being awesome 🤘 ⚡️ ❤️



Joe Wadcan
Editor for

Co-founder @geteventbot & Instructor @BerkeleyHaas — previously @GitHub