How to get paid instantly for your events?

Niraj Shah
Eventgrid Blog


You are organizing an event but you need the ticket sales revenue instantly to pay for various other things. It is great for cash-flow. You don’t have to wait till the end of the event to get paid. This allows you to have more flexibility.

In Eventgrid you can connect to pretty much any gateway of your choice. You can connect to your existing gateway or sign up to get a new merchant processor account instantly.

We are integrated with Stripe, Braintree, PayPal, Square,, and Spreedly (connect over 100+gateways around the world). If you already have a merchant account with one of these providers you can just connect to it in Eventgrid. But if you need to pick a payment gateaway, here is a simple guide to help you.

Most payment gateways in this Guide have the following features in common:

  • Charge 2.9% of order amount + 30 cents flat fee per order. The fees can sometimes be negotiated depending on the volume
  • Chargebacks are $15
  • PCI Compliant — conform to industry accepted security standards


Stripe powers 100,000+ businesses in more then 100 countries. They are very easy to integrate with and have an intuitive and user friendly customer portal. Several features make them stand out:

  • Deferred Account Activation — create and activate your Stripe Account through Eventgrid with only your email address. Stripe will email you with instructions on how to claim this Stripe account. Once the first charge is made on the account, the account holder will have one week to activate the account before Stripe blocks further charges
  • Eventgrid fees are charged right away, so there are no invoices to deal with at the end of the event
  • Scheduled transfers to your bank account every 2 days or every 7 days
  • Stripe Support is only by email, but they are very good at getting back within 24 hours.


Braintree has many of the same features as stripe. A couple of things that separate them:

  • Very good phone and email support
  • Support more international currencies than Stripe
  • Open to negotiating rates
  • Allows you to also have Paypal as a payment option


Grand daddy of the payment gateways, PayPal was coasting for a while. That was until Stripe stormed into the picture and shook up the whole Payment Services industry. PayPal still has a huge market share and has been improving lately. Here are some of the benefits of using PayPal:

  • Can get up and running faster then others
  • Everyone already has an account
  • Allows payments both through PayPal and by using a Credit Card
  • Usually pays out within 1 business day
  • Eventgrid fees will go to your PayPal account and are invoiced at the end of the event

Square began as mobile payment system, but has been expanding very quickly and now offers many of the same services as the other market leaders.

  • Easy to use card reader with “Eventgrid Manager” app on IOS

Authorize.NET is another well-known, well-respected payment gateway.

  • Charges a $49 setup cost and a $25 monthly fee — in addition to transaction fees
  • Has advanced Fraud detection
  • Phone and Live chat support


Spreedly is not a payment gateway per se. Instead they provide a universal interface to hundreds of payment gateways, which makes it easy for Eventgrid to integrate with any of the gateways supported by spreedly.

Here is the list of all the gateways supported by Spreedly:

If you would like to use one of the Spreedly gateways in Eventgrid please contact our Support Team and we will enable it for you.


With Eventgrid you will get paid instantly, no matter what payment gateway you use. You create your event, connect to one of the payment gateways available in Eventgrid and start getting the ticket revenue in your bank account. There is no waiting for the payout which is great for cash-flow.

