Promoting Events through Email Campaigns

Eric Popivker
Eventgrid Blog
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2017

Eventgrid makes it easy to promote your event with email campaigns. Our email marketing solution is seamlessly integrated with event management, so you don’t have to go through import/export synchronization of your attendees between an event management solution and a 3rd party email marketing application.

Eventgrid Campaigns has everything you need to market your event to potential attendees, communicate with ticket buyers, and improve customer loyalty. Features include:

  • Design email content using a simple, yet powerful online Editor
  • Choose from several email templates that cover common scenarios
  • Preview how emails will look on Desktop and Mobile
  • Import contact lists
  • Segment contact lists to target only certain type of customers that match your conditions.
  • View detailed reports on email recipients

Promoting Event

Let’s say you’ve created an event on Eventgrid and now you would like to promote it. You have an excel sheet of attendees from last year and you would like to inform them about the upcoming event. With Eventgrid Campaigns, you can do it in 5 quick steps:

Step 1 : Subject

When you click on Add Campaign, most of the info such as “from address” will be prefilled from your business information . You do need to enter an interesting subject line. If the subject is not worthy of a click, it doesn’t matter if the email content is amazing. So make sure you spend some time coming up with something catchy, but not too cliché.

Step 2 : Email Content

So a recipient opens your email. Make sure that email has a clear call to action like “More Info” or a “Buy Tickets” button.

Select from one of the available templates:

Now you can customize your email with text, images and buttons.

Step 3 : Recipients

To select recipients who will get this email, you have several options:

a. Import them from CSV file.

b. Send to list of all contacts already available in your Eventgrid business. The contacts are all the people that have bought tickets to at least one of your events or who have been previously imported by you.

c. Limit contacts to one or more segments. For instance, only include recipients who attended a previous event and who live in New Jersey.

Step 4: Test and Send

Before sending the email you can first send a test email to your own email address. Then if you are satisfied you can send the Campaign. We use SendGrid for email delivery. SendGrid is a world leader in reliable and speedy email delivery, so you are in great hands.

Step 5: View Report

After the campaign is sent you can view report which will tell you how many emails were sent, how many bounced and how many people clicked on the links in your email.

Communicate with Attendees

Sending emails to promote your event is just the first step. After attendees bought tickets, keep your attendees engaged:

  • Before the event, sending them reminders and news related to your event .
  • If your event lasts several days — send an email at the end of each day with updates and agendas for the next day.
  • Send Thank You emails after the event with some information about upcoming events.


First 100 emails every month are free.

After that it is $10 per 1000 emails.


With Email Campaigns you can promote your Eventgrid events without leaving Eventgrid. You get all the features usually available only to specialized email marketing solutions, but fully integrated/connected to your events.

If you are interested to learn more about this and other features of Eventgrid please request a demo on and someone will get back to you right away.



Eric Popivker
Eventgrid Blog

Living in .NET world for 20+ years. Founder of .NET Fiddle.