SPYNE — Launch your Business Online

Published in
4 min readAug 27, 2018

On yet another Wedding Portal? No!!

Wedding Portals do not give me exclusive promotions. For them, my business is just among the 50 other businesses listed there. Where is my Brand exclusivity?

I want to showcase my Brand exclusively online, so that clients know about us and our brand well, before booking us. Also, inquiries I get from the portals bring no or limited value to me. Followups take a huge toll and eventually we need to haggle for few bucks with the clients.

Also, I want to especially grow my own mediums — My Social Accounts (Instagram, FB, Pinterest, Snapchat), My Website & My reference clients. These are the places where I see high-quality clients leading to very high conversions.

Can you help me solve these?

If above are your current Marketing & Branding problems, then you are in the right place. We do just this. We help you launch your Website, Manage your Social Media and your existing clientele.

Here is a brief description of what we have to offer. Our Business Platform helps you do these…

Get your Own Hashtag & Keyword reach Website. Launch your Website in a click. Organise your Website Content using 100s of searchable Hashtags and keywords. Blogs, Photos, Events, Reviews, Videos — everything connected to common hashtags making your Website SEO multiple times stronger than your competitors.


100,000+ Offline Photos on your Website — Your Hard drives, Google drives, Dropboxes know that you have humungous content offline (50,000+ photos, videos). Google doesn’t know it, nor your Clients. Our Platform brings all your offline photos, videos, blogs, etc on your website, and organise them in hashtags. Google now knows that you have huge content, boosting your SEO ranking. Your client knows that in certain hashtags you have incomparable content in the industry leading to higher conversions.


Collect 100% Reviews. SPYNE guarantees that 100% of your reviews are collected and then made live on your Portal. You will have control over which reviews you want to publish online, with a Private/Public toggle. No need of asking & pestering clients multiple times for submitting their reviews or feedbacks.


WhatsApp Chat Widget on your Website — All links on your Mobile Website have a sticky Whatsapp widget, from where customers can directly initiate chats after seeing your work organized in Hashtags.


Automatically Watermark All Photos — Photos are published on your Website with your Watermark automatically, leading to boost in your branding. As now you have 1,00,000+ Photos on Web with your watermark. Anyone who downloads or shares your photos get to know about your Brand.


Manage your Social Media Platforms — Sharing, scheduling your Photos, Videos on Instagram. Managing content publishing schedule on a Calendar using your Smartphone.


Track your Competitor’s activity on Social Media — How many followers someone added on Instagram within a date range? How many posts published? Average number of likes generated? etc


Publish 100+ Blogs yearly on your Website, yourself or by expert blogger network from the Industry. You can target to publish 2–3 blogs a month, so that Website becomes richer in keywords, your clients get to read about what you want to say and Google indexes your pages heavily.


Market your Business Website using Google Ads, to generate direct enquiries for your Brand. Marketing expenditure could be as less as INR 200 per day and you get a committed enquiries flow for your business from the source itself.


Using Pen Drives or Dropboxes for Photo Sharing & Selection after the event? Move your client online. Share a link which works on Desktop and Mobile both super efficiently. Clients can select their 200–300 final images out of a pool of 2000+ images within an hour maximum (if they spend this much time :)).

You as a Photographer upload all Photos to a Project and share the project with the client. Client sees a beautiful page, which asks for credentials for Photos selection. Client selects images and submits the page. Before submitting they also provide your feedback on your Website. Super easy!

All the above and many more — all part of our Central Business Platform SPYNE.

Here is a short video introduction of the product.

There are three different product offerings under Spyne umbrella:

Spyne Lite

Spyne Lite helps you quickly launch your website online bringing thousands of photos, videos, past projects, blogs, clients, media featurings etc live. Website is SEO optimized and utilizes the power of hundreds of hashtags and keywords to make your website stand out from the crowd.

Spyne Share

Spyne Share helps you generate a constant flow of your reference business along with taking care of time consuming Photo Sharing and Selection process to deliver the final album to your clients. You can read its details from this link.

Spyne Pro

Spyne Pro clubs everything from Spyne Lite and Spyne Share and offers a comprehensive branding and studio management solution to the Wedding Photography Industry.

We have kept it short and crisp. Please feel free to signup for Spyne product suite here. Or, leave your contact details on support@eventila.com or 011–6657–6767. Our Partner Success team will reach out to you and help you onboard to the platform depending on what requirements you have.

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A premium destination for all party needs - Weddings, Birthdays or Corporate functions. Whatsapp 9711-411-422 to plan one. Visit http://eventila.com