Top 4 Platforms you Should Consider for Promoting Your Events in 2020

Chandni Jha
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2019

If you are part of the event industry and have experienced spending hours on brainstorming sessions to reach out to your potential customers, then you are not alone. It is something all event organizers new and old have wondered.

But you don’t need to spend an exorbitant amount for marketing on social media, unlike traditional marketing to create a buzz about your event, thanks to social media. We are bombarded with articles on best practices of online advertisement. However, there’s no one-size-fits-all.

With the digital native audience on the rise, here we cover the top 4 social media platforms best suited to reach out to the Gen-Z audience.

Image depicting social media platforms icon


With over 2 billion monthly active users, you may think Facebook is the ideal platform when it comes to event promotion. But here is a little secret, it’s Instagram where we get maximum of our conversions. Gen-Z customers are spending most of their time on social media platforms compared to other audience and Instagram is one of the most popular among them. They tend to engage with people which they relate rather than brands which is why brands are trying to reach out to them through influencer marketing


How can we leave Facebook out when it comes to digital marketing. It goes without saying that the importance of having a dedicated facebook page of every brand to build a strong community. Facebook ads allow brands to retarget people who have already made a purchase from their website as well as to those who have visited your website because people rarely make a purchase when they first see an advertisement. But don’t forget to exclude customers who made purchases as seeing the same ad after a purchase can annoy them and you won’t want that to happen.


LinkedIn is yet another networking platform to advertise on. When we talk about online ads, Facebook is the first thing that comes to mind for most people. But LinkedIn outperforms all social media platforms when it comes to quality leads.


Tiktok is where the next generation of internet audiences are flocking towards. With its mobile-only approach and quick bite-sized content have been a tremendous hit with the gen-z audience. If you’re looking for a strong base of influencer marketing Tiktok is the place to be. Many big brands have already started experimenting with the platform. Setting up campaigns may take some getting used to as the ecosystem is much different from that of other platforms like Facebook or Google which you might have gotten used to.

Along with these, submitting your event to any of the best Event Listing website could help you in promoting your events online faster.

