TicketShark becomes EventSquare

Willem Staels
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2017

After 5 amazing years at TicketShark, we couldn’t be more excited to announce that we are launching our brand new ticketing service EventSquare.

The new EventSquare live dashboard

Why we are doing this

EventSquare is not just a name change but a completely new platform born out of everything we’ve learned so far, our experience on the road and the valuable feedback we got from our customers.

To be completely honest with you: we started working on EventSquare about 3 years ago. It was a combination of a few things that made us decide to this new approach:

First of all, we love every single second of working on TicketShark and strongly believe that this part of the industry has a lot of need and space for innovation. It was just a matter of time before the new features we wanted to integrate into TicketShark would require changes to the deepest roots of the platform. Starting from the ground up would be best in the long run.

Secondly, we want to make event organizers aware of the fact that state-of-the-art online ticketing is affordable, easy to use and should not require signing heavy multi-year contracts or selling thousands of tickets. Every single EventSquare feature will be available for everyone, whether you are organizing a free BBQ or an international festival. By working contract-free, we force ourselves to keep improving and continuously offering great service.

Thirdly, we decided that if we were going to do this that we need to be ready for a bigger market, both feature wise and geographically. That’s why EventSquare is our new name: a more friendly and broader approach on events and it has a great ring to it.

Besides providing everything a professional ticketing service requires, EventSquare is here to amaze with innovation and ease of use. Our only mission is to set new standards in online ticketing and this blog is our way to share everything with you, as this new chapter unfolds.

Public Beta, Yay

EventSquare is currently in closed alpha, but three weeks ago, we silently launched already 3 events. Since then, every few days, a new store is already starting.

Belgium: August 2017
The Netherlands, Luxembourgh, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy & Spain: Fall 2017

The current closed alpha version is by invitation only. Please contact us at if you would like to join EventSquare right now.

Try out some some of the new stores

Booty Rave Festival, Yesterdayland, Amfi, Bunktek Materia

What happens with TicketShark?

Nothing to worry about, all our services stay available. When we are launching EventSquare, we will disable account / event creation on TicketShark. Halfway 2018 we will gently end the grace period and hope to have welcomed you all on EventSquare by then.

Questions or information

If you have questions about this or want more information please e-mail us at

