Take Time to Save Time

Eric Kingstad
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2017

You’ve heard the lectures and cliches before: time is money, time is the ultimate commodity, no time like the present, time is precious, don’t waste (my) time.

You’ve heard and maybe used the excuses/complaints before: I don’t have time, I’m too busy, what a waste of time.

We live in a world of NOW and event planners are stuck in the middle. In this world of NOW, you face increasing expectations on productivity gains (doing more with less), shorter attention spans, and higher demand for personalized experiences.

Time is your lifeline, yet your greatest threat. The projects (events) that you deliver are entirely time dependent so you have no choice but to deliver on time. Your clients hire you to save themselves time and your end users have invested time into your product. If it doesn’t go well, you’ll have wasted their time.

This dilemma leaves you in a constant state of reaction, fighting against time.

In this world of NOW, technology can be the lifeline that can save you vast quantities of time. Technology can automate tasks, streamline processes, open lines of communication, increase access for greater collaboration, do things faster, better and more accurately.

But here’s the rub — technology requires an investment in time, it doesn’t just happen. And for planners short on time, it’s a tough call. Investing time into change and process improvement can be a “rabbit hole” of research and exploration — there’s a lot of options, and no easy place to begin.

Every journey starts with the first step. The world of NOW is just speeding up, and the demands on your time will just continue to increase. Be proactive and take time to save time.

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The Event Guys can help you save time with technology. Whether it’s helping you research, offering suggestions, analyzing workflow, creating a strategic plan, or integrating your tech stack, we’re passionate about solving puzzles and improving the lives of event planners. Contact us for a free chat.

