Ever’s EHR is transforming the future of Healthcare

Ever Medical Technologies
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2021

Ever’s latest step toward creating more holistic and accessible healthcare is in the form of an integrative software solution: a modernized, tailored electronic health record (EHR).

Today, many hospitals still employ the use of legacy electronic systems, and even paper-based ones. Using such old technology results in inefficiencies that affect every step of the healthcare process, from patient registration through payment and claims processing. Thus, Ever is working closely with physicians to create technological solutions that will push the industry forward rather than hold it back.

To ensure development and research does not compromise any existing physician processes, Ever’s development team takes a slow and unintrusive approach guided by physicians. The team shadows them at various hospitals, observing their processes and remaining open to all suggestions until it is clear where the biggest inefficiencies stem from. Leading healthcare workers from a multitude of specializations also contribute weekly to meetings held with Ever’s designers and engineers, keeping them informed of any issues that arise and proposing additional features that would be beneficial. This way, tailored products that truly answer the needs of healthcare workers can be created.

With an extensively reviewed starting point, Ever’s development team begins work on smaller bits and pieces of software that will first support and sustain existing workflows. Feedback is given over the course of months with close contact being kept between developers and physicians. As more pieces are built and put together, the overall EHR begins to take shape and healthcare workers gradually adopt and saturate the new tech with data.

Data is at the core of everything Ever is building toward. By founding and building its solution off a blockchain-based core, Ever lays a foundation that will support growth and expansion for years to come. Blockchain’s modularity, security, and highly accessible nature enforces accountability from large organizations, decentralizes data to grant patients self-sovereignty over personal information, and encourages sharing and collaboration more than ever before. Coupled with integrated modules such as AI-driven data labelling, natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, Ever seeks to foster an age of research and discovery that will bring about medical breakthroughs at an unprecedented rate.

What was once manually observed, delegated, and decided by experts in their field can now be enhanced and even automated by technology. Physicians will no longer be inundated by repetitive administrative tasks, faulty file management, or forced to use unintuitively designed software systems. Instead they will be able to focus on what they do best: providing exceptional, quality care, supplemented further by technology that mitigates human error while simultaneously assisting their decision-making with data-driven insights. With hospitals saving operational costs, reducing turnover rates, and equipped with a modernized patient journey from start to finish, patients also get an overhauled approach to personal health that prioritizes their convenience and well-being.

Ever’s EHR is the answer to decades-old setbacks. It employs cutting-edge technology that works seamlessly with healthcare professionals, enabling them to do more with less effort. Future proofed by blockchain and AI/machine learning, its deployment will optimize generations of inefficiency and put an end to siloed, stagnant data for a golden age of innovation. In the end, greater accessibility to healthcare will be achieved, leading to better quality of life and ultimately more lives being saved.

