How Telemedicine technology revolutionizes healthcare

Ever Medical Technologies
Published in
5 min readSep 3, 2021

As the world of medicine continues to evolve, it’s important that we both improve upon existing technologies and come up with new ones that challenge the status quo. One such invention that does both has only been made possible with technological advancements in recent decades: telemedicine.

Telemedicine is a remote clinical service connecting doctors and patients for real-time communication through telecommunication technology, using electronic audio and visual aids. It is perceived as one of the most important and highest impact advancements in our generation, making available medical technology that is beneficial for a wide variety of patient and physician cases alike. Take into account the recent trials and tribulations medical personnel are facing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and it’s never been clearer that the world truly needs telemedicine.

Telemedicine is not a technology that demands a huge amount of investment as it only requires camera devices and an online database capable of securing electronic medical records. Said system would have to guarantee the safety of sensitive patient health data, as well as information discussed during telemedicine conferences. All in all, it is a particularly efficient technology that provides high returns on investment, enabling high quality medical work at a lower cost compared to existing methods.

According to a PwC report, experts anticipate the worldwide telemedicine industry to cross $30 billion in revenue by 2020. Here are some of the reasons why telemedicine is the future of the healthcare industry.

Benefits for Patients


According to research on the “Evaluation of a Telemedicine Service for the Secondary Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease (2012)”, patients who utilize telemedicine spend less time in the hospital, lowering total health expenditures. It is deemed a great cost-saving alternative for patients as travel is entirely taken out of the equation. Secondary expenses such as commuting, childcare, or time off work are also positively affected.


Telemedicine makes healthcare significantly more efficient, bolstering the accessibility of physicians and specialists to facilitate clearer and quicker communication with more patients in less time. With so much added convenience, patients and physicians both are able to spend what time they have on other important matters.

Better Accessibility

Telemedicine opens the doors to easier prescription of medication for differently abled patients, elderlies, incarcerated peoples, as well as those living in remote areas. These days, video conferencing between a patient, a nurse practitioner, and a physician simultaneously isn’t just possible — it’s easy to do — enabling much easier transition between stages of healthcare. Patient journeys are shortened while remaining just as effective, and better aftercare/home treatment options are also enabled.

Convenience and Flexibility

The truth is that anyone can require medical attention at any time. With telemedicine, emergency services outside of normal operating hours can be made much more readily available. Patients with chronic disease(s), who require aftercare medication, or even patients with general inquiries can get what they need much more easily. As telemedicine allows patients to be attended to by professionals in virtual conferences from around the world, prescription refills, dosage adjustments/advice, and more can be reliably given at any time.

Infection Spread Prevention

By circumventing the need for direct contact with medical institutions, patients no longer face unnecessary exposure to possible contaminants. This lowers the chance of contracting harmful pathogens from other patients, thereby decreasing overall infection and transmission. Such circumstances would be highly beneficial during high-risk situations like that of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Preventive Healthcare

Preventive healthcare has been a topic of great discussion in the medical industry for many years. Informing, instructing, and rigorously maintaining good health in patients over sustained periods is much more effective in improving health outcomes compared to any other method.

To this day, a large portion of the world’s population cannot access quality treatment owing to financial and geographic limitations. The implementation of telemedicine will make preventative care much more accessible and easier, enhancing the long-term health for many more patients.

Benefits for Healthcare Providers

Telemedicine is improving the quality and convenience of patient treatments, providing a growing additional channel for income, and increasing the efficiency of overall healthcare operations. As an emerging technology, it will definitely grow in features, reach, and popularity as it continues to advance and provide paradigm-shifting services. Insurance companies will also benefit greatly, with greater coverage options and revenue streams. A variety of benefits await the medical industry, including:

Lower overhead costs

Institutions that implement telemedicine service will lower overall overhead expenses. Less physical space (i.e. office space, examination rooms, desk support) is required for operations, while upfront and operational expenses are also lowered. The implementation of telemedicine may require a significant investment, but returns over long periods will make up for it.

Revenue Approach

Physicians and healthcare services may discover that telemedicine supplements their compensation by allowing them to care for and service more patients. According to the University of Arizona, hospital readmissions and unnecessary emergency department visits are two major reasons for excessive healthcare expenditures. By making healthcare more accessible, telemedicine can minimize ER visits and readmissions, reducing hospitals’ excessive medical expenses and increasing additional revenue. Telemedicine lessens the number of cancellations and no-shows at the hospitals, which costs organizations a huge amount of money each year. It can also attract new patients and provide better patient flow throughout the day, resulting in increased revenue.

Decrease Infectious Exposure

Telemedicine allows patients to be diagnosed and treated through virtual channels without waiting to see medical personnel directly. Both physicians and patients benefit. When physicians meet patients remotely, they are not exposed to any pathogens the patient may carry, limiting the spread of infectious diseases.

Medical Efficiency Advancement

Telemedicine encourages cooperation between medical professionals, leading to greater work efficiency. According to the American Hospital Association, as the revolutionary healthcare system grows, telemedicine will strengthen healthcare’s overall efficiency as an industry. In cases where a primary care physician recommends a consultation with a specialist, telemedicine helps achieve a swift and efficient transition. At the same time emergency cases also benefit, with physicians able to admit the patients to the hospital immediately, reducing needless suffering from long waiting times that are common with routinely scheduled appointments.

A better future for all

Telemedicine is a rapidly evolving service providing increased access to high-quality healthcare that is efficient, time-effective, as well as accessible and affordable. It better facilitates preventative healthcare for patients, and meets high patient demands in a flexible manner that is vastly superior as made apparent by the COVID-19 pandemic.

It also enhances a patient’s health and assists physicians by enabling two-way, real-time interactive contact via a remote, virtual conference. With the various benefits serving both patients and healthcare providers, telemedicine will also provide better advancement of future technology for implementation in the medical industry.


