Announcing Everbloom

Our new web site is up at

Everbloom is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange launching in the summer of 2018.

Our first release is built on Ethereum with support for trading ether and ERC20 tokens through the EtherDelta smart contract. This means Everbloom is an alternative way to interact with your EtherDelta deposits and trades. In coming months after our first release, we will be adding support for more token exchange protocols (such as 0x) and deliver decentralized cross-chain trades.

Started by a team of technologists with over a decade of experience building enterprise companies, Everbloom’s goal is to bring the power and security of decentralized exchanges to the masses in a reliable, trustworthy, and easy to use manner. We believe there is still a ton of room to improve the user experience of cryptocurrency exchanges.

Our founding team is comprised of experienced professionals who have founded multiple companies, collectively raising over $60M in funding, hiring hundreds of people, and deliver products to thousands. We are putting that experience to work to build the best exchange.

From a regulatory perspective, Everbloom is based in the United States. We are working hard to build a compliant exchange that will allow our users to trade with confidence. Where other companies choose to move elsewhere, we believe our approach will build a platform people trust over the long-term.

Stay tuned for more information coming soon.

