Everbloom: Who, What, Why?

Everbloom is launching a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange in the summer of 2018. We are excited to be nearing our first beta release! This post will shed more light on our product, team, values, and vision. Stay tuned for more posts coming soon. In the meantime, follow us on Twitter and Telegram.

Let’s dive in.

Who is Everbloom?

Our founding team is comprised of enterprise and startup professionals, both on the business and engineering side. We bring professional experience to the landscape of decentralized exchanges.

Andrew Rollins and Scott Pirrello founded the company in the winter of 2017. They are joined by great team members. Unlike many blockchain companies, we believe in putting faces to the company to create a dialogue with our customers. Stay tuned for more about us!

What is Everbloom?

We are a company based in the U.S. that is launching a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange this summer. The beta release of the Everbloom Exchange is built on the Ethereum blockchain with support for Ethereum (ETH) and ERC20 trading pairs.

Instead of creating yet another protocol and another silo of liquidity, we are building the Everbloom Exchange on top of existing smart contracts and protocols. By aggregating protocols, you get access to the best decentralized liquidity. Our first launch will support the EtherDelta smart contract. This means that Everbloom will be an alternative way to interact with your EtherDelta deposits and trades.

The exchange will support more trading protocols and more blockchains over the following months. We want to provide users with the best access to decentralized liquidity. The 0x protocol, especially 0x V2, is in high on our list of protocols to support, as are several other blockchains and providing cross-chain trades.

Why are you launching another exchange?

We believe in the power of blockchains and cryptocurrencies to positively impact capital formation and flow. Decentralized exchanges will play a key role in this movement. While there is a plethora of exchanges, there is still a lack of professional, quality exchanges which meet the demands of institutions and institutional grade software. We want to change that. Access control, auditing, security, key management, compliance — these are all areas with a ton of room to innovate. Our focus is providing the best experience for institutional grade customers.

What are your values as a company and as an exchange?

Great question! We believe in a core set of principles which will be integral to our company and exchange. They are:

  • Professionalism — our users should feel confident doing business on our platform.
  • Simplicity — our products should be clean, intuitive, and simple.
  • Liquidity — our users should have access to the best pools of liquidity.
  • Compliance — our company will obtain the licenses required to allow our users to trade both utility and security tokens.
  • Security — our founding team has over a decade of experience securely managing millions of dollars of cloud infrastructure at scale.
  • Performance — our platform should be fast and reliable.

Is Everbloom launching a token or doing an ICO?

No. We believe a token is not necessary to building a great exchange, and in some cases, can even be a hindrance. While a token can be a great way to raise capital for some companies, it is not for everyone. We are already funded by great VCs and angel investors (First Star, Indicator Ventures, and more).

What is your approach to regulation?

We believe an exchange can be both decentralized and comply with regulations around the world. As such, we are making every effort to comply with United States securities, commodities, and banking regulations. This is key to creating a longstanding company and an exchange where you can do business now and into the future.

Is there a beta?

A beta release is coming in a few weeks. We will soft launch and then do a full rollout in mid-summer. We will be sharing more of the roadmap and timeline soon.

How do I learn more?

Become a part of the conversation by joining us on Telegram at everbloomhq or on Twitter at @everbloomhq. We look forward to unveiling more of the roadmap and launch plan! We will be doing weekly blog posts on Medium with regular updates on Twitter.

Until next time!

