What Healthcare HR Really Wishes For This New Year

Jessica Dunbar
Published in
3 min readMar 30, 2017

It’s safe to say that many of us are glad that 2016 has come to a close, and there’s much to look forward to in 2017. As we reflect on what we are looking forward to, we couldn’t help but wonder what our friends in healthcare human resources are wishing for this year. So we reached out to one of our favorite healthcare HR thought leaders, Lotus Yon, for insight. Lotus manages training and HR programs with Northwest Community Healthcare as her full time gig. She’s also an avid blogger and a well-known resource to the healthcare HR community, particularly when it comes to millennials and Gen-Z topics (you can check out her blog here). Here’s what we learned from her about the wishes among those in healthcare HR for this new year:

High employee engagement, low presenteeism. According to Lotus, presenteeism, when an employee is present but not engaged, is just as bad as absenteeism. She’s not wrong; some studies suggest that presenteeism can cost employers as much as 10 times more than absenteeism. Luckily, you can get to know the signs, symptoms, and countermeasures to curb presenteeism and help your hospital fight the good fight against this productivity-sucker.

Fewer staffing shortages. The plight that healthcare HR knows all too well… staffing shortages. Imagine a 2017 where supply meets demand! Alas, brace yourselves. According to the WSJ, nurses are in demand again and things like signing bonuses and exceptional benefits are all the rage in a stiffly competitive market. So be prepared to get creative with your offer letters this year.

No micromanagers. Healthcare is unique in that you have highly skilled, competent people concentrated in a single organization (this includes healthcare professionals and other departments, like HR). This is the type of talent that thrives on autonomy. In that regard, allowing autonomy and independence can help highly-skilled talent feel happier and more connected to their work. And in case you’re not convinced, here are a few more compelling reasons why micromanagement should bite the dust in 2017.

Paperless HR. Human resources, especially in healthcare, has traditionally been one of the most paper-consumptive departments within a hospital. Just think about the amount of paper required for one new hire! The background checks, credentialing, primary source verifications… Now, imagine a scenario where HR technology replaces all of that, and you have a perfectly tidy desk. If “efficiency” is your favorite buzzword, paperless HR might be #1 on your list of wants for 2017.

Culture perks. And by this, we mean those little extras that add to the every day experience of being at work. Bottomless cookie jars? Sure! Therapy dog visits? Why not! Parties every 3rd week for all 3rd shift staff? Of course! Even if your perks are a little less extravagant, like a nice fruit bowl and a stuffed animal therapy dog, it’s these thoughtful perks that can bring a smile to anyone’s face.

Many of us have high expectations for 2017, but Lotus’s wish list seems like one that healthcare HR can really get on board with.



Jessica Dunbar

Maestro of Marketing, Crafter of Content, & EverCheck Enthusiast