How CRM System is Useful For a Company and Why You Should Use It?

Evercode Lab
Evercode Lab
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2019
An illustration of CRM system
Illustration by vectorpouch

Quite often, you can hear the words “business” and “CRM system” in one sentence. However, so far, not all business owners and managers know what a CRM system is. And even sometimes they may fear, at first glance, complicated concept.

What is a CRM system?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. If we’re talking about a brief description of such a system, then it helps to organize work within the company between managers and customers, both current and future.

Its main feature is the automation of all processes, starting from the first contact with a potential client and ending with his return with a new order.

What is meant by “automation of all processes”? Managers don’t always have time to process incoming applications. Sometimes they forget about it. Hence, the company is losing potential customers and profits. Moreover, in working with a client, it is essential to have a history of chats with him. But, for example, the manager quits, and communication with the client is broken. It’s more difficult for another manager to understand at what stage the deal is and what steps need to be taken. The CRM system closes with its functionality all these gaps.

There are both out-of-the-box versions and custom ones that are designed for the needs and desires of the client. Sometimes even the existing system is taken as a basis and the necessary functions, fields, and integration are built inside.

Implementing a customized version is usually associated with the peculiarity of the business itself. Today, most of the existing systems take into account various sales methods. However, no one can be 100% sure of this. That is why, after searching and trying multiple solutions, the business owner ultimately decides to create his platform, which would consider all the subtleties of the business.

Two businessman think about robots’ functions
Illustration by fullvector

What functions does the CRM system perform?

We have already outlined the essential functions that the system performs. Let’s examine this question more closely.

The CRM functions in a nutshell:

  • accounting of applications and deals
  • task and project management
  • visual online reports
  • document generation
  • integration with mail, messengers, telephony, SMS

This list is only a small part of the functionality. But it’s enough for the initial assessment whether the company needs the implementation of a CRM system or not.

Thanks to such systems, all activities between the manager and the client are monitored, adjusted by the system. And it is also possible to evaluate the effectiveness of manager work based on the results. If the pipeline is configured correctly, the system will automatically send out information to the customer, create tasks for the manager and remind him of them.

And if the employee leaves, another manager will have access to the full history of the client and will be able to continue conducting the deal without any additional questions and searches for information. Indeed, unnecessary questions and repeated clarifications may disappoint the client, and the next time he will choose a competitor.

Previously, CRM systems were less automated, and the work of tracking current tasks, deals, and making changes lay on the shoulders of managers. That is why it used to be easier and cheaper for employees to keep records manually than for the owner to invest in the purchase or development of a CRM system.

But with the development of technology, robots have appeared whose main tasks are tracking processes, maintaining a deal card through the entire pipeline, and helping to communicate with customers. Now, managers are freed from routine organizational work, which previously could take up to 50% of their time. Thus, the efficiency of each employee, and therefore the entire company, is increased.

One of the distinguishing features is the presence of visual reports on various metrics that can be configured, depending on the business. So, each manager will be able to see his work in graphs and tables. And every business owner will be able to evaluate the work of each manager and the effectiveness of the business. You no longer need to create complicated tables in Excel and use complex formulas that can only confuse.

Another vital function is the integration and control of payments. If the client delays in paying the bill, for instance, the system will send him a reminder about it. The reminder, in its turn, is also customizable.

A trend that depicts success and money
Illustration by fullvector

Who will benefit from CRM systems?

Since the name itself implies work with a client, such systems are necessary for companies where its activity is based on finding clients and retaining them.

Thanks to the CRM system, you can better identify leads, divide them into categories. It will allow you to work with a specific range of leads more accurately, and therefore increase the likelihood of converting the lead into your client.

However, if the company’s activities aren’t based on the constant search for new customers or their retention, if there is no need for long-term contacts with the client and there are no mailings, then the implementation of the CRM system will only complicate the processes and won’t be able to fulfill its tasks.

Most of all, they are used in communication, financial companies, in the services and tourism sectors.

