The Real Mission of Evergreen and What is Coming Next…

Eric Jorgenson
Evergreen Business Fortnightly
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2 min readApr 4, 2016

I have been keeping a secret from you.

Evergreen, as you know it, is a weekly(ish) ‘Blog-type Thing’ about business, based on reading the best resources suggested by a brilliant, diverse, and experienced group of supporters.


My intention has never been just to create a Blog-type Thing.

This Blog-type Thing was only a test. I had the hypothesis that there was an audience that would be overjoyed to find collections of quality content.

Hypothesis Status: “Yep!”

After a year of testing this hypothesis, we have thousands of members and many hundreds of emails enthusiastically saying “we are on to something!”

My mission is larger: create the platform for collecting quality resources.

A few years ago, it struck me that nowhere on the internet does timeless content win. Every feed and every site are churning out new pieces for pageviews, not to provide value for readers.

We are surrounded by the ‘newest’ and ‘most popular’ and ‘hottest today’.

We can create a place for the ‘best’ and ‘most useful’ and ‘hottest ever’.

Evergreen is Evolving…

I consider the Evergreen Blog-type Thing an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) that successfully proved there was a group of people who appreciate the values behind Evergreen.

The next step is to develop a software platform that will be our home for adding, curating, and organizing the most useful, timeless resources.

This means two things:

  1. Expect the Blog-type Thing to slow down (or stall completely) while I’m working on the shiny new Evergreen site.
  2. We could use your help to create the shiny new Evergreen site.

If you can spare some time for a user test, or an interview about your reading habits, that would be fantastic.

If you can spare some time for a user test, or an interview about your reading habits, it would be extremely helpful. If you can spare 30–60 minutes sometimes in the coming weeks to help out, please put your email here, and I’ll get in touch to schedule.

Thank you for being a part of this.

To share your thoughts, improvements or additions: Email or Twitter.



Eric Jorgenson
Evergreen Business Fortnightly

Read and write. Listen and speak. Think and unthink. Fixing the biggest broken market in the world at Zaarly. Twitter: @EricJorgenson Site: