Empowering businesses with Digital Identity

Digital Identity & standards

Identity is everywhere. What is identity? Two sentences that are equally popular.

I’m a legal citizen. I’m an authorised driver for this vehicle. I’m a child. I own this place. I’m Anakin. I’m a guest at this event. I'm Padmé's husband. I’m a weapons expert. I’m your father.

Unlike what we're tempted to think, identity is not limited to a number assigned by a government — it's broader than that and it simply means answering the question “Who are you?”. There are many answers to that question, depending on who’s asking and what you expect from each other.

Also, the source of the response will play a great role in the outcome of the conversation: in some contexts you can just claim “I’m 21”, while in some others there will be an expectation for that claim to come from a particular third party.

The figure below shows how proving identity is done everyday. There are normally 3 components:

  • An identified subject that makes a claim about themselves and expects a certain outcome thanks to that claim. The subject can be an individual, an organisation or even a thing.
    Example: "I (as an establishment) am authorised to sell alcohol. I expect law enforcement to let me do it".
  • A relying party that will make a final decision related to that expectation. The relying party too can be an individual, an organisation or a thing.
    Example: "I (as a law enforcement officer) will trust that this establishment is allowed to sell alcohol".
  • A credential that is used to prove that claim. It can take any shape, from the tone of one's voice over the phone ("Hi sweetie, this is mum!") to a government-issued paper certificate, a concert ticket or a username/password combination. The method used by the relying party to verify the proof depends on the type of proof.

Whether you're taking a cab, entering a building, buying medicine, driving a motorbike, applying for a job, it's worth noting that that pattern is present nearly everywhere, everyday. Still, issuers often have to reinvent the wheel and come up with new formats for credentials, for the claims inside them, for verification methods and even for how subjects are identified (name, picture, government ID, email address, username, employee number…). This leads to a lot of wasted time, nearly no reusability of tools, and poor interoperability.

This is where standards come in!

A group of people took the initiative to build a common language for these kind of things and formed 2 working groups at the W3C: one about verifiable credentials (nicknamed VCs) and the other about decentralised identifiers (nicknamed DIDs). Because of how sensitive identity is, one very important focal point of those working groups is that nobody be placed in a position of domination. In other words, keep everything as decentralised as possible so that it can be adopted confidently as an internet standard.

The role of private companies

everis is a consulting company that helps large organisations make digital innovation a part of both their commercial offering and their own internal culture. We’re part of the NTT Data group.

Over the last years, it’s become clear that collaboration with a mind set towards open standards, rather than a strategy of silos, is the new approach to competition — often called “coopetition”. Helping in that choreography as a consulting company is all the more interesting that we have the opportunity to participate from the viewpoint of a large set of strong businesses all over the world simultaneously.

As part of embracing coopetition ourselves, we started to increase our activity around a technological area that is specifically designed for collaboration between actors with divergent interests: Blockchain, Distributed Ledger Technologies, and more generally trust-enabling digital architectures.

When we started looking around to understand what blockchain could bring to the table for businesses, we realised most use cases could be built on top of two pillars: Digital Identity and Tokenization. That's the reason why today's article is about Digital Identity: because we think it's a very powerful base for the empowerment of businesses through collaboration.

Identity standards + DLTs for organisations

W3C identity standards caught everis's attention since their early days (in fact DID wasn't a proper W3C Working Group yet). We realised there are interesting things to be done by combining them with blockchain technologies. We also realised the huge potential that means for businesses and organisations: from KYC to delivering reliable information to the world, to the creation of completely new business models such as the exchange of information between organisations.

Interestingly, both the Verifiable Credentials and the Distributed Identifiers standards are defined in such a way that you can easily build on top of them — think of those standards as a framework rather than closed protocols — so we decided to contribute not only by using the standards but also by extending them.

In the next section we'll explain how VC and DID specifications are designed to be extended, and the work being done by everis.

Extending Verifiable Credentials with proof types

A Verifiable Credential (VC) is a machine-readable content made of the following elements:

  • A unique identifier of the subject the credential is about (e.g. their DID, see below),
  • A set of claims about that subject. For example birthdate, citizenship or name.
  • The identifier of the issuer of the credential.
  • A proof (or possibly several proofs) to make the credential actually verifiable. It can be a cryptographic signature or any deterministic mechanism. The actual mechanism is called type and is listed as an attribute of the proof element.
A credential that may not be verifiable

The VC specification doesn't actually define any proof type. Rather, it leaves room for anyone to document, publish and implement their own types. At everis, we're defining a few proof types. One approach is to leverage the Ethereum blockchain, and specifically smart contracts. It's documented formally, but the simplified idea is that the hash of the credential is stored by the issuer in a trusted smart contract. Some of the benefits of that approach are that the issuer may revoke the credential at any time (bye bye complex CRL mechanisms), and that it's possible to audit successive status changes. Since only hashes are stored on the blockchain, verification is only possible if you were given the content of the credential via some other channel — no actual information is leaked on the blockchain.

Using one hash per credential introduces limitations in terms of scalability, so we're studying a few approaches such as the use of Merkle trees or delegated signatures. We're also considering using only smart contracts for revocation, since those are normally much less frequent than the original signatures.

Don't hesitate to let us know what you think. We always welcome positive criticism, remarks or contributions!

Extending Distributed Identifiers with methods

Credentials make claims about individuals, organisations, things, etc. This means at some point you need a way to refer to those entities by some kind of unique identifier. Examples of where identifiers appear are:

  • Issuer of a credential
  • Subject(s) of a credential
  • Optionally, additional entities involved depending on the semantics of the credential. For example a marriage certificate might feature the identities of the two people getting married but also maybe those of the witnesses, of the religious officer involved or maybe that of a church as an organisation, etc.

Verifiable Credentials may use any kind of identifier. However, the problem with most identifier schemes is that they're generally controlled by someone else. For example, your passport number is assigned by a government. So is your name. Your nickname is probably not unique, or guaranteed to stay unique forever. Your email address is assigned and controlled by an email provider (left part) and by the Internet’s DNS hierarchy (right part), both of which are technically able to take your address away from you.

What about DIDs, then? A DID is a globally unique identifier that is guaranteed to always be controlled by its subject (thanks distributed ledgers, thanks cryptography!).

Just like for VC proofs, the DID spec is like a meta-standard. It does not define an actual algorithm to generate decentralised identifiers. Instead, it creates a frame for anyone to describe new methods that will do that. All you need to do is to name your method, describe it formally as a standard that will come on top of DID, publish it to the world, and start using DIDs. Bonus points if you can build software that actually implements it to help others make sense of your identifiers.

At everis, we created a DID method based on Ethereum and we called it "GID", standing for "Global ID". As for proof of ownership, we're defining a separate protocol called "DID Connect", derived from OpenID Connect but decentralised. It's a work in progress, so we really hope you'll take a look at it and use it, criticise it, or contribute to it if you'd like!

One important note: the whole beauty of the DID specification is that specific methods should be interoperable with each other, rather than competing with each other. While GID is related to Ethereum smart contracts, we are preparing more DID methods to choose from — each with its own characteristics.

We think Digital Identity is a powerful base for the empowerment of businesses through collaboration.

Enough protocols, more code!

Many people are very happy with standards and protocols but we think actual code also has its own charm, so we're making KayTrust, a trust suite that packages credentials, DIDs, and business logic together.

KayTrust is meant for private and public organisations that would like to leverage Digital Identity. It's super modular because we know every business has different needs.

Let's introduce the main members of the KayTrust family.

KayTrust Hub is a credential store that’s super smart and collaboration-oriented. It’s able to store credentials, share credentials to clients and to other instances of KayTrust Hub, forming a mesh network, based on search criteria and/or specific sharing rules. This enables very neat business models such as billable credential sharing between organisation — always with user consent thanks to OAuth 2.0.

KayTrust Provider issues credentials, from request to approval to actual issuance — APIs and frontends included. KayTrust Provider is able to issue new DIDs on the fly as well as issue credentials to users' existing DIDs, and can optionally take care of recovery so that your users never lose control of their identity even if their device gets stolen.

KayTrust Wallet is a decentralised mobile app to keep your credentials at hand. It’s available for Android and iOS and lets you store your credentials and share them easily at your own discretion. No cloud service here! It can also handle multiple identities, so your rock-star, boring-manager and poem-writer personalities will stay happily separated.

The KayTrust Suite also includes components such as a graphical credential viewer and SDKs, to make everyone happy.


It's surprising to see in 2020 so few tools and so much disparity of languages when it comes to making and verifying claims, especially since making and verifying claims is what everyone does all the time.

Thanks to a raising conscience for decentralisation — both for ethical and business reasons — and to the refinement of technologies such as Blockchain, a whole new area of the Internet is now structuring itself to bring that missing bit to users and corporations.

At everis we're excited to be a part of that historical move. Beside helping our customers, we're also involved in larger communities such as Alastria and LACChain that seek a federation of efforts and the adoption of open standards to help social and business development everywhere.



David Ammouial
NTT DATA Blockchain & DLT & Web3 & Quantum Computing

Architect and teacher in new technologies, specialized in distributed architectures and open standards. https://www.linkedin.com/in/daeli/