Global enterprises must offer employees global opportunity

Judd Bagley


For all the ink spilt discussing how to motivate a Millennial workforce, Everise CEO Sudhir Agarwal may have found — and implemented — lightning in a bottle.

The key, Sudhir says in a recent post on LinkedIn, is offering motivated employees the opportunity to accept and grow in positions overseas. This fits in nicely with the well known Millennial desire to spend time abroad.

As Sudhir writes:

Global mobility is crucial for companies that are undergoing the transition into the millennial-led business world. With 80% of millennials desire to work outside their home country, it’s clear that the younger generation values experiences that can only be gained from living and working abroad. Therefore, having the capabilities to promote global exchange programs (GEP) brings forth many benefits to any organization, including:

* Valuable knowledge exchange
* New market growth
* Employee professional development
* Connected global network
* Improved diversity and inclusion

Indeed, Sudhir is a believer. He very recently announced the launch of a global exchange program for Everise employees ready to advance their careers in one of the several countries where the organization and its subsidiaries have a presence.

The immediate reaction among the Everise rank and file was very enthusiastic.

As Sudhir explained it,

We aim to provide our employees more than just a job opportunity — it’s all about creating an irreplaceable experience, to open wider career paths for high performing employees and improve how we share each of individual skills across Everise geographies.

Follow Sudhir’s Linkedin page for more insights.



Judd Bagley
Writer for

Communicator and geek on a mission. Currently changing the world as VP of Marketing at the Everise Companies.