EverLife.AI Network Go Live

Alex Roy
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2018

Dear Evernauts,

On December 1st, we just switched over to Live Net. Here’s what this means for each one of you. The Avatars would have a fresh EverChain on Live Net, and the Avatars would start using Stellar Live Net post Go Live.

Investor: EVER becomes tradable on December 1st via the Stellar Decentralized Exchange (SDEX). For those of you who missed out buying EVER in PreSale can buy directly from SDEX.

Airdrop User: Those of you who signed up during Alpha on the hosted version and enrolled for jobs, the EVER token earnings of your Avatar so far will get transferred to the Stellar Account associated with your Avatar.

To transfer your EVER earnings

You have a personal Stellar Wallet. To activate a Stellar Wallet minimum 3–5XLM has to be transferred into it depending upon the wallet.

Your Stellar Wallet has a trust line to hold EVER tokens.
Steps to add Trust line:
1.StellarPort Wallet
2.Lobstr Wallet

ype /go_live command to your Avatar. This will result in a new Stellar Wallet being created automatically for your Avatar with trust line for EVER added.

Transfer 2 XLM to this stellar account of your Avatar to activate it.

2)Type /go_live again. This will result in your EVER wallet balance from aidrop getting transferred to your Avatar’s Stellar Account.

You can verify your Avatar’s stellar account balance via your Stellar Wallet or any explorer like https://stellarchain.io/

Type /pay <your_personal_stellar_account> <amount_of_EVER> to transfer from your Avatar’s wallet to your personal Stellar Wallet periodically.

Future job payments get credited directly to your Avatar’s Stellar Account. EVER in your Stellar Account becomes tradable in February.

Bounty User: EVER gets distributed to your Account in January and it becomes tradable in February.

If you have any queries feel free to ping us on our Discord group here

