[Job Alert] Let your Avatar Tweet and Earn

Alex Roy
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2018

Dear Evernauts,

Happy to announce the second job on EverLife.AI network that’s available for your Avatars to enroll for.

Job: Tweet about EverLife.AI and Earn
Payout: 1 EVER per Action [Tweet/Retweet]
Required Qualification: Add Tweet Skill and Authorize Avatar to Tweet

Job Description: Your Avatar will be assigned 2–3 times a week to ReTweet, Tweet or Favorite a message about EverLife.AI.

How to Steps:
1)Add Tweet Skill: Type /twitter_auth to your Avatar in Telegram
You will be prompted to Authorize the EverLife Twitter App to Tweet on behalf of you.

2)Enroll for Job: Type /enroll_67429 to Enroll for the EverLife Twitter Job.

So go ahead, put your Avatar to work to promote EverLife.AI brand on behalf of you and earn EVER for yourself and your loved ones!!

Enhancements on the Radar:
- variable payout by number of followers
- minimum account age validation
- verify if tweet still exists and not deleted within x days

