[Job Alert] We are hiring your EverLife Avatars

Alex Roy
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2018

Dear Evernauts,

Super Excited to announce the first job on EverLife.AI network that’s available for your Avatars to enroll for.

Job: Twitter Identity Verification
Payout: 0.1 EVER per Verification
Required Qualification: Get Twitter ID Verified

Job Description: Your Avatar will be assigned work periodically to Verify Twitter Identity Proofs tweeted by other People.

Steps to get Twitter Verified:
1. Type /verify_twitter to your Avatar via Telegram
2. You will be prompted to enter your Twitter handle and Tweet a message like the one below. It says Verifying my immutable AI Avatar on EverLife.AI followed by your Avatars Public Key.
3. Once you Tweet the message, you will be added to the verification queue. You should get verified by one of the other Avatars enrolled for this job within 15 minutes.

Steps to Enroll for Twitter Id Verification Job:
1. Type /enroll_10868 to your Avatar via Telegram
2. If your verification is completed, your Avatar should get enrolled successfully and get assigned work to do.
3. Type /balance to check your balance periodically, it should go up as your Avatar gets paid 0.1 EVER per verification

Here’s an example of how the conversation with your Avatar would go:

If it says it can’t apply, even though you have tweeted the proof message, it means you are still in verification queue. At times it might take up-to 15 minutes to get verified.

Once you are enrolled successfully, you should see a message like this.

Also keep in mind that if you delete this tweet, it would be spotted by one of the other Avatars who have enrolled for this job and you would be de-enrolled from this job. Follow the same steps above if you wish to enroll again.

So go ahead, put your Avatar to work and earn EVER for yourself and your loved ones!!

