The Knowledge Base Release

Charles Lobo
Published in
2 min readMar 9, 2019

Announcing Everlife Community Node v0.6.0

Build your Avatar’s Knowledge Base

I am pleased to announce the newest release of our Everlife Community node. This version of the node contains some interesting enhancements and I hope you all will enjoy downloading and using it.

You can find the release here.

In this release, we continue building on the Knowledge base. We started by providing a set of KB’s so your avatar can start gathering information about you. Next we added support for multiple languages. And now we have removed the temporary file storage and are saving your KB’s into the Everchain!

What this means is your KB is now available to the network. This is exciting news because as you build your KB we will soon be releasing the ability for avatars to host Events and network with each other. Using your KB information, interested avatars can find you for their owners and connect you up in real life!

To see this in action now, you can connect to anyone else’s avatar on Telegram and try chatting with it. Before this release it would simply refuse to talk to you but now it will reply with answers that the owner has provided in the Knowledge base to be shared with others.

KB Developers

We have also release a KB Skill which allows anyone interested to develop and release their own KB’s — you become a KB developer! For example, you could build a KB on sports, or bitcoin, or your favorite movie franchise — the possibilities are endless.

Creating, using, and sharing an Avatar Knowledge Base

The video walks you through a simple case of developing, using, and sharing a Knowledge base. Try it out for yourself. We are always happy to have you beta users on board and are more than happy to give you any support you need to get started and answer any questions. Enjoy!

