What makes you tick? — Your Avatar wants to know

Charles Lobo
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2019
Who are you?

With the 0.5.1 release of the Everlife Community Avatar you can now talk to it about yourself and what makes you special.

This release of the Avatar has added a new AIML brain — one that can gather your personal information and store it in a knowledge base. This knowledge will — in upcoming releases — be used by Avatars as they gossip with each other and exchange information and network on behalf of their owners (you).

As an owner, you too will be able to talk with other avatars and find out about their owners directly.

How it works

The avatar can gather information about different areas of your life — job history, school life, hopes & dreams, and so on. The released avatar comes with three categories it will ask you about: yourself, your school life, and your love life. Kick off the conversation by telling the Avatar that you want to talk about any of them:

you> “Ask about me”
avatar> Sure! What is …

you > “Ask about school”
avatar> Sure! Where did …

you > “Ask about love”
avatar> Ah love! Who was …

In this release the answers you give are saved in the knowledge base ( <data>/kb.txt) that you copied across when installing this version of the node (see Release notes for 0.5.1). In the next release, the information will be moved over to the Everchain so it can be preserved forever and restored even if your machine crashes.

Adding your own Categories

Adding your own categories of information is not hard. Simply create a new AIML file in the:


subdirectory (wow — that’s a long path, I hope I typed it right!). If you aren’t sure how to write AIML don’t worry — simply copy one of the existing files and change the questions and tags to your questions and tags. Remember to also add your new tags to the <data>/kb.txt file where they will be saved for you.

As always feel free to drop in and share your thoughts with us on our Discord channel.

