Constructive criticism in the workplace: How honest feedback leads to long-term success

Hakan Housein
Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2019
Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

Constructive criticism at work — as in private life — can be tricky. If it’s formulated poorly or expressed at the wrong moment, people might be offended. This can lead to interpersonal conflicts and declining productivity. Or, if it’s too subtle, the desired effect is often lost.

Employees, in particular, are often afraid of expressing their opinions to team members and superiors for fear of negative consequences. This is a problem in the workplace, where constructive feedback is essential. Done well, open and effective communication ensures productive cooperation, trusting relationships and long-term corporate success.

How Constructive Criticism can Succeed

The fear of sharing feedback can lead to silence, but the majority of employees explicitly want to hear it. According to a Harvard Business Review Study, employees find constructive criticism more helpful than praise and almost three-quarters of respondents are convinced that it would improve their performance. However, a staggering 92% of respondents agree that it must be communicated appropriately.

This is where managers must act. Targeted measures build trust and motivate employees to give regular feedback without fear of negative consequences. By creating a feedback-based dialogue with your team members, you support further development within the company.

Different Characters, Different Channels

Bear in mind that employees have different characteristics. This contributes to necessary diversity in the company, but also means that different people express criticism in various ways. Establish communication strategies that cover all needs.

This can include open team discussions and targeted feedback sessions. For more reserved employees, anonymous and low-threshold communication channels such as Lytt’s digital assistant can be a better way to address issues easily and with confidence.

Consistency is the Key to Success

Regular, continuous communication is critical for the long-term success of such measures. Create process transparency and enable your employees to give continuous feedback. This will get employees used to expressing criticism and encourage others to do the same.

Keep reviewing how your actions are received. Are all employees informed about how to deal with constructive criticism? Do they make use of the opportunities offered? Which measures do you need to reconsider? This ongoing analysis — together with honest dialogue — ensures that criticism is gratefully received as a means for respectful exchange and further development.

Constructive Criticism for a Healthy Culture

Correctly implemented, constructive criticism contributes in the long term to a corporate culture characterized by openness, trust and increased productivity. This benefits both the individual and the entire company. Employees are happier and more committed, employer attractiveness is strengthened and innovative strength grows.

Creating a culture in which constructive criticism is on the agenda can be a lengthy and complex task. Don’t be discouraged. If in doubt, the APE Model can help you to implement targeted measures and introduce improvements step by step. You will soon establish an environment in which you do not have to shy away from expressing and hearing constructive criticism.

Lytt is a digital assistant that makes it easy for employees to communicate sensitive topics at work. Find out more at!



Hakan Housein

Media scholar. Marketing Lead @ Le Wagon Germany. Passionate about content creation and photography.