A Fresh Take on the Job Description… Your Week as a UX Designer At Everproof

Andreas Limberopoulos
Published in
4 min readMar 23, 2018

Hiring UX Designers can be hard. Partly because great designers need to have skills in different areas, but also because those skills need to complement the ones of your existing team.

A Job Description That Explains Your Role

I read a great article from Irene Au (from Google) on understanding UX skills. Irene presents a guide to the different skills needed to support a robust design process and the job titles that correspond to those skills. After reading her article, I decided that instead of writing a typical bullet point heavy job description, I’d try to articulate what we are looking for at Everproof visually, as well as provide a day by day walkthrough of a typical week working here.

Jasper Stephenson (Cygames) has visually represented the different types of roles in design in a way that really resonates with me. I’d recommend reading the entire article, but this image from his post explains what a UX designer is; someone who can span the spectrum from research, synthesis & ideation to prototyping and design.

Your Week As a UX Designer At Everproof

At Everproof, our product team has developed a modified Google Design Sprint process which optimises our resources. This is working really effectively so far and we’re looking to add a UX Designer who can own this process and help us optimise it even further. Currently, here’s what a typical week in your new role as a UX Designer at Everproof will look like:


On Monday, you’ll start your day with a company-wide meeting which we use to share in each other’s successes and drive alignment of the company. Once completed, the product team (UX Designer, Software Engineer, CEO and CTO) moves upstairs to our couch room for a day of ideating, whiteboarding and sketching ✏️. The output of Monday’s session is a low fidelity storyboard of an entire user flow. We won’t throw you in the deep end right away, but we’d love to see you grow into moderating and running these sessions.


On Tuesday, you’ll be responsible for turning the paper storyboard 📋 that was developed on Monday, into a low fidelity functioning prototype. We like to use a tool called Atomic for this. You’ll also be tasked with recruiting and scheduling real users to test your completed prototype with.

Wednesday and Thursday

On Wednesday, you’ll analyse user testing results and make any required changes to the prototype. Once that’s done, you’ll spend the rest of Wednesday and Thursday turning a low fidelity prototype that has passed user testing and is ready for production (how exciting!), into a beautiful, high fidelity user interface. There’s also a regular ice-cream train 🚂 expedition that departs our office on Wednesday afternoons, making a stop at the ice-cream stores on Smith Street to satisfy those in the team with a sweet tooth.


On Friday, you’ll spend the day testing a prototype with real users. This is the critical part of the process as you interview customers and learn by watching them react to your prototype. We wrap up the week on Friday with a company all-hands to reflect on the week that was. This is usually over a tea or beer while playing cards or board games. Oh, and by the way, we’re also a dog-friendly office 🐶!

How To Apply

If this sounds like a great week to you, please email Andreas at andreas@everproof.com with a copy of your resume and answers to the questions below.

1. What excites you most about a typical week at Everproof?

2. What are the top 5 resources you’ve read or listened to recently that relate to start-ups, UX or design and what are 3 key takeaways you learnt?

3. ­­­­­What do you want to do with your career, and how is Everproof a step toward your long-term goals?

