Everstake Telegram Bot

Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2019

At Everstake, we believe that it’s very important for users and validators to monitor their staking activity. Thus, we’ve created the Everstake Telegram bot(@Everstake_bot) that allows you to request account balances, get real-time notifications on all transactions, check the correctness of rewards, and more. It is a handy tool allowing you to have control over your staking on the go.

Currently, the @everstake_bot supports the following assets:

  • Tezos
  • IOST
  • Cosmos
  • Dash
  • Irisnet

The bot provides instant notifications for all coins regarding:

  • All incoming and outcoming transactions;
  • Incoming staking rewards;
  • Start of a new cycle/epoch;
  • Node operators going in or out the node pool (top 21, 100, etc).

The Everstake Telegram bot can also check the correctness of all rewards in each blockchain and display them in the respective coin, Bitcoin, and US Dollar. For example, If it’s Tezos, then the reward will be displayed in XTZ, BTC, and USD.

But that’s not it!

Validators/delegates will find the following functions handy:

  • Notifications for staking and unstaking;
  • Notifications for all incoming and outgoing transactions;
  • Timely updates on the number of voters/delegators.

To keep the things clean and comprehensible, we have enabled adding up to 100 addresses to watch with one bot instance, regardless of their blockchain, and setting thresholds and filters for different kinds of transactions. Now, after selecting the needed transaction type and minimum and/or maximum value, you will only receive the information that is valuable to you, in a matter of seconds.

The Everstake team will continue to improve the bot, and any suggestions are welcome through any of the contacts below:

Telegram: https://t.me/everstake_chat

Website: https://everstake.one

E-mail: inbox@everstake.one

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Everstake/




Everstake is a responsible validator trusted by 625k+ users across 70+ blockchain networks. Created by engineers for the entire community in 2018.