Oasis-monitor: Oasis blockchain explorer

Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2020

Everstake has launched a test MVP explorer for the Oasis blockchain. This is still an early version of the resource, which will be further developed, but community members can already use the initial functionality on the Explorer site.

At the moment, only basic features are available to Oasis users.

Home page with dashboard and brief information on blocks and transactions

On the main page, there are blocks with brief summary statistics of the network status. Using the dashboard, you can find out the current block height, percentage of staked coins, 20 largest validators, charts, a list of blocks and transactions. Information about the token price, capitalization, daily trading volume and the total circulating volume will be added soon.

List of blocks and individual block pages

On the block page you can view detailed information about the block:

  • Block height;
  • Block hash;
  • Creation time;
  • Creator;
  • Number of signatures;
  • Date and time when the block was added.

It is also possible to switch freely between the blocks.

The transaction list page and individual transactions pages

When you go to Operations > Transactions, you will see a list of all transactions in the Oasis network. At the moment all types of transactions except burning are added to the site:

  • Transfer;
  • Add/reclaim escrow (aka staking/unstaking) — delegating / un-delegating coins to the validator;
  • Registernode — adding a node.

You can view details of any individual transaction by clicking on its hash in the second column of the list. This way you can find out which block the transaction is in, its number, type, and date and time of inclusion in the block, and you can filter them by these parameters. The Everstake team is very grateful to the Oasis Foundation for helping them get a grant to develop the Oasis Monitor.

List of validators and accounts

The Validators section displays a list of current Oasis network validators and their main statistics. The following information about validators is available on the page:

  • The name of the validator or account;
  • The pool total balance;
  • Availability;
  • Number of delegates;
  • Number of proposals;
  • Number of signatures;
  • The fee that tokenholders are charged for staking;
  • Status (online or offline);
  • Registration date.

When you click on the name of the validator / account, you will see detailed statistics on it, which you can use to find out the address, account type, date of last activity, balances, etc.

Stats in two charts

Only two charts are currently available in the Stats section: the balance ratio and transaction volume for the last month. This section will continue to expand, and developers will add more charts to track the dynamics of the Oasis blockchain network.

Please note the MVP is still under development and will not be finished soon, so some information is currently missing. The Explorer already supports the Amber Network and displays all the changes implemented in it.

We will be happy to receive any feedback. If you have any ideas and suggestions for improving the resource or you find an error, please contact us. We will be very grateful to you!

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Everstake is a responsible validator trusted by 625k+ users across 70+ blockchain networks. Created by engineers for the entire community in 2018.