Day 16: Every 90 Days

David Higdon
Every 90 Days
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2014

Some breakthroughs, some set-backs…

Well, as of this Saturday morning I am 16 days into my first 90 Day challenge. The goal is to lose 25lbs. As with every goal, it needs to be attainable, and hopefully sets new habits moving forward.

As for the first two weeks of this particular challenge, I’ve managed to stay true to some of the new habits I intended to implement, yet some have been more difficult to achieve or get started in some cases.

Through the first week, the goal was mainly to change some of my eating habits and to abstain from alcohol. I’ve been mostly successful in this regard, slipping just a couple instances for say, a work lunch or when someone brings pastries to the office (Damn you!!) But for the majority, I’ve been able to stick to primarily a paleo diet and not indulge in my bad side.

I’ve also been able to curb eating after 8pm and not eat until around lunchtime the next day (around 11–12, not being too strict about this.) I have made the exception on weekends when I like to cook breakfast for the family, usually consisting of eggs and bacon. During the week, I’ve found that having a spoonful of coconut oil in the morning has helped in curbing my appetite, although it was a little difficult to stomach at first (the best way I’ve found is too allow it to dissolve in the mouth and swallow with natural saliva being produced. Gross.)

I found that exercise has been tougher than expected. Everyone talks about not being able to make excuses, but truthfully, try working 45+ hours a week and being a attentive father and husband and helping around the house and fixing things and going to the grocery and all the other things that come with being a normal functioning modern human being. Of course, these are first-world problems, but I can understand that my life is pretty damn easy most of the time and its still difficult to find the time and energy to concentrate on oneself. I can’t imagine for people that have it harder than I do — how they can manage a healthy lifestyle on top of say, a manufacturing job or being a single parent.

But I manage. I’ve been dragging myself out of a comfortable bed around 5:30 every morning and doing my best zombie simulation, pull on running shoes and clothes and make my way out the door. I’ve been consistently drudging about 4 miles on average every morning, somewhere between a run, a walk and some stumbling. I have noticed that this last week has been easier than the first and I remind myself that renewing habits are always hard, and that anything worth achieving takes time.

So where am I?

I’m happy to report that I’m on track. As of Friday the 15th, my weight was 183.0 lbs, or a loss so far of 4.9 lbs. My goal was 3.8 at this time, so I’ll treat my current progress as successful. Let’s hope that the trend continues. I anticipate that it will be harder to drop some of the extra weight as I get closer to my goal, so I will need to be more dilliegent and push myself evenmore.

I hope this inspires others to get out there, exercise, stay active and eat better. We only have one life on God’s Green Earth. Make the most of it.

Peace. d.

