#21 — La Mia Parte Intollerante — Caparezza

Da Ni
Every day
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2016

I talked too much today. Well, no… I listened too much today


I share a rap italian song — full of words — because is the best representation of this day: words, words, words… Well, with a sense!… but God…


At least for what is my general standards.
When I stay with people who talks a lot I feel tired at the end. I’m more a listener than a talker. Usually, in this cases, my intollerant-side (which the song acclaims) goes out. Please, don’t consider this post too much seriously. I’m only tired and this is what I feel now.

“I know, i know… what you are thinking”:
“It’s your responsability to take your talking-space in a conversation”.

I could agree,
but I feel tired the same.
Asshole :)”

I think it’s totally useful talking and comparing myself with others but if it’s too much it’s fucking stressful. Moreover, when all the people could say their opinion about every fucking topics (and the topics are fucking A LOT) it’s the fucking hell. What i mean is “democracy is cool, but there are some “but”. Maybe the heaviness-resulting of the decision process it’s the bad side of democracy and the “but” are more relevant if we are talking about company-decisions-process.

I lived it and it’s paradoxical.
Because I want freedom (the opportunity to say my opinion about everything, deciding for myself what to do everyday, how to organize my work, acting if/when i want, trying differents roles to understand which is the best for me etc)


I don’t want freedom (no precise rules, no precise responsabilities, no precise nothing WHEN there are problems and we all know that there are always problems in a company).

So tonight I’m wondering what is the best between vertical decision process and horizontal decision process (other than chilling on the sofà) in an organization.

I think, like always, the truth… is in the middle.

I mean the best decision process in a organization is a complicated mixture of both (vertical and horizontal one).

Some degree of hierarchy are the best in some cases. Think about decisions which affects everyone and think about an organization with more than 10 (different) minds. How many decisions there are to take everyday? And what about the general policy of the organization? Who must keep the general purpose of the organization untarnished? Everyone has different visions about everything. So what really happen is fighting each other, arguing a lot, words words words, no fucking decisions taken.

On the other hand too much hiearchy limits the creativity, self-responsability and the discussion between different people which it’s the only way to grow up. Everyone has not always right. Everyone need to confront with others. Everyone needs to feel free to say what he is thinking. But if you are a company the market needs speed and the people who work inside it need some degree of safety to work better (less problems than being alone). They can’t think about everything everytime because in this case the organization lost its main function and its original sense: skills diversification. I work with you not to fight but because the result sum of being together is more than the result sum of being separated.
In a totally horizontal organization it could be cool the decision process because roles could be naturally defined (so I feel I’m best in doing something… I try it… Other people recognize my worth in doing it and accept my skill which becomes my role). And it replys the nature-mechanism which means that it works for sure :)
But there is a bad side also here.

“Who fucking does the worst boring things that no one wants to do?”
“And who the fucking assumes the responsability if the roles are never — legally — defined?”

It’s complex. It’s fucking complex in the reality. And I’m tired :) I don’t have the final solution. Not tonight.
I only wanted to share my thoughts and considerations somewhere.

I go to sleep.
Saluti peoples.

