A Sad Update on Last Week’s Twins

Every Mother Counts
Every Mother Counts
1 min readMay 5, 2013

We said a prayer, hoped for the best and sent compassionate, healing thoughts to the twins and their mother.

Last week we blogged about a set of premature twins delivered while Christy and Clancy were in Haiti. They were born in a hospital that was unequipped to provide the long-term respiratory support premies need and were transferred by ambulance to a hospital an hour-and-a-half away. We said a prayer, hoped for the best and sent compassionate, healing thoughts to the twins and their mother.

We’re sad to report the twins died within 36 hours of arriving at the hospital. One had seizures and the other severe respiratory distress. The hospital did not have ventilator support available for these babies. This is one sad story that plays out all too often in many developing countries whose hospitals are understaffed, undersupplied and unable to take care of patients who would survive in a country like our own. While EMC’s mission remains focused on improving maternal health and reducing maternal deaths and injuries, it breaks our heart that any parent has to go through the grief and pain of a tragedy like this. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the mothers around the world who have lost a child.

