Climb With Fynn!

Every Mother Counts
Every Mother Counts
1 min readJun 11, 2013

Let’s continue showing Fynn how proud we all are of his effort.

He’s climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise awareness and funds for EMC and he’s almost 1/3 of the way to his 10K effort. If you can donate to his Crowdrise page, that’s great. If you’ve found your own way to climb with Fynn — send us a photo or Facebook post with all the details. Need some new ideas?

  • Bike for the hike — Sign up for Charity Miles and they’ll donate 10 cents for every mile you and your family ride. If you run, jog or walk, they’ll donate 25 cents per mile.
  • Organize a Father’s Day hike with your family. Add some big hills to your trek and climb with Fynn symbolically.
  • Hold a family summit and talk about the importance of giving back and providing service. Brainstorm ways your family can climb mountains together.
  • Visit Fynn’s Facebook page and send him a positive, supportive message.

