Martin Luther King Day 2015

Every Mother Counts
Every Mother Counts
2 min readJan 19, 2015

Health disparities still exist in the U.S., many of which are contributing factors to the rising maternal mortality rate for U.S. mothers.

As we honor the legacy of Martin Luther King, we remember his words:

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’

Our mission at Every Mother Counts is to address the disparities mothers face all over the world that place them at risk for potentially life-threatening but ultimately preventable maternal health complications. The U.S. is not immune to these disparities and in fact, our maternal health statistics are getting worse.

It’s these disparities, like chronic health conditions, over-medicalization and racial inequities that contribute to the U.S. dropping from 50th to 60th in terms of global maternal health.

Additionally, genetics, nutrition, social and health factors, plus generations of intense stress, contribute to African American women facing 4 to 7 times the risk of maternal mortality as women of other races.

Despite spending more money on healthcare than any other country, the U.S. is not addressing the real needs of its mothers.

So, how are we answering Martin Luther King’s question: What are you doing for others?

Every Mother Counts is raising awareness about the issues mothers face that put them and their children at risk. In addition, we’re supporting programs around the world that make a direct impact on maternal health by improving 1 of 3 critical barriers: lack of transportation, education, and supplies.

How can you be part of the solution today?

Join Jennie Joseph, midwife and founder of our Florida grantee, Commonsense Childbirth, by taking part in the Perinatal Task Force’s inaugural campaign “Heads Up on Infant Prematurity.”

The campaign works to end prematurity and create Perinatal Safe Spots in order to help reduce disparities and complications for at-risk mothers. Learn more about her campaign here or visit their website.

Check out the below articles to learn more about the health disparities that American mothers face:

