Run with Us

Every Mother Counts
Every Mother Counts
2 min readOct 15, 2012

There are 50 of us on the NY ING Every Mother Counts marathon team and dozens of other teams are forming throughout the country.

5K, 10K, round the block…any distance helps. We just want you to run the marathon with us any way you can! There are 50 of us on the NY ING Every Mother Counts marathon team and dozens of other teams are forming throughout the country. No matter where you live, we want you on our team. If running 26 miles is out of the question (hey, no worries, we understand), imagine what it’s like for women to walk that far in labor. Now imagine running a 5K. That’s less than the average distance a laboring woman in the developing world walks to receive basic obstetric healthcare. Lack of transportation is one of the most significant barriers that prevent women from getting the lifesaving healthcare they need. Join us this November 4 and walk or run a 5K with your friends so other women don’t have to. If 5K is too far, that’s OK. Any distance you walk, any amount you fundraise and any friend you educate about maternal health issues takes miles off a pregnant woman’s journey. Here’s how you can run a 5K with us:

  • Gather your team of friends, family, coworkers and neighbors.
  • Educate them about why you’re running — to fundraise and raise awareness about global maternal health issues.
  • Download Charity Miles, a free app that lets you earn 25¢ for EMC for every mile you walk or run. Charity Miles is EMC’s newest partner and we’re very excited to be working with them!
  • You can use the app any time you walk or run — even if you’re not doing a full 5K — so please download it to your iPhone or Android today. Every Mile Counts!
  • Set up your fundraising page on Crowdrise so your sponsors and supporters can contribute to Team EMC
  • Make a sign
  • Order your t-shirts, hoodies, arm warmers and bags (40% of proceeds go to Every Mother Counts)
  • Run, walk, cheer — every action makes you part of our team
  • Take lots of pictures and post them on our Facebook page

