The Mozilla Firefox Challenge Home Stretch

Every Mother Counts
Every Mother Counts
1 min readJan 10, 2013

The Mozilla Firefox Challenge is coming to a close tonight, January 10 at 11.59pm and we owe you a great big Thank You.

We may not win this thing, but Every Dollar Counts and the $6,032 we did raise will be matched by EMC for a total of $12,064. That means 548 women in Uganda will receive a birth kit that helps her and her baby have a safe delivery THANKS TO YOU!

But what if we could do just a bit more? What if we could find another 26 people to donate $22? With EMC matching that money too, we’d help 600 women — a nice round number. What if we found another 100 contributors and really powered out the home stretch on this competition? Do us a huge favor:

  • Email this to everyone you know and ask them to share it on Facebook and Twitter.
  • Ask your friends and family to make this effort part of their New Year’s resolution to get more involved.
  • Or ask them to make their donation as an early Valentine’s gift that shows how much they love you by helping other women.
  • Maybe you’re back in school or at work after winter break and looking for a way to rev up your post-holiday spirit. There’s no better way than to do good for someone else.

Help us finish the Mozilla Firefox Challenge by making your $22 donation today. And on behalf of those mothers and babies in Uganda who will benefit from your donation — Thank you.

