This month’s update from Midwives for Haiti student, Vesline

Every Mother Counts
Every Mother Counts
2 min readApr 3, 2013

Here’s our latest update on how our midwifery students are getting along in Haiti.

Vesline is one of the students we’re sponsoring with our grant to Midwives for Haiti. Find out what it was like for Vesline to experience her first deliveries. Vesline Jean Louis from Gonaive Mission Jubilee lives at the Midwives For Haiti House here in Hinche.

I had a really good week last week. We just finished learning about the second stage of birth, or the pushing stage. It was perfect timing because I delivered my first two babies ever at the hospital!

I was working with my preceptor and caught the babies all on my own. I was so overjoyed to have done my first delivery! It was especially amazing to watch the baby move its head on its own for the first time. That sight made me want to cry! Both births went very smoothly and, luckily, I didn’t have to do any repairs. I did get to cut the cords after each of the deliveries as well.

The timing of the class and the experience of having my first births in the hospital couldn’t have been more perfect. I am now able to see why labor support is so important during the delivery. I feel that it is especially important to make sure that the mother is doing OK and that she is not experiencing anything abnormal.

I couldn’t sleep that night after my first delivery. I couldn’t stop thinking about how I was the one who caught the baby with my own hands and made sure that the mother was well taken care of. I am so excited to continue with my lessons and the Midwives For Haiti program. There is still so much to learn and experience!

