Two Sandy Thanksgivings

Every Mother Counts
Every Mother Counts
4 min readNov 21, 2012

It’s easy to find your gratitude when you’ve had a really great year. It’s harder when you’ve had a tough one. For many people, 2012 was a doozie. There were money problems, health issues, a few squabbles, a whole lot of stress, tons of political strife and when you tally it all up, it’s hard to add gratitude to the list. That’s why we’re so inspired by our friends, Jen and Linda, who survived Hurricane Sandy, but lost a home and a business. Despite losing it all, they’ve had no trouble finding their gratitude.

Jen Correa’s house was swept away along with all her belongings and all of her neighbors’ homes. Even her daughter’s daycare center was gone. She and her husband, Pedro, have rented an apartment and are putting their lives back together bit by bit. Here’s what Jen’s grateful for this Thanksgiving:

Every thanksgiving my family and I sit around our table and say what we are grateful for. This year we are more grateful than we have ever been. As we sit at our new donated table in our newly rented apartment, I will try not to dwell on what we lost. Instead, I will continue to be thankful for so many things.

I am thankful for my family. We may have lost our home and our things, but we still have each other.

I am thankful for friends, new and old. They have given us a new beginning. Without everyone’s continued support, thoughts and prayers, we would not be able to move forward.

I am thankful for a warm place to live and a hot meal. There are so many who do not even have those essential things.

I am most thankful I have found the strength to go on each day. That strength comes from my children. If it was not for them, I am not sure I would ever come out of this fog. The truth is that life goes on. My goal is to make my kids proud of me. They may remember this tragedy or they may not, but they will remember how Mommy reacted to it.

Happy Thanksgiving to all. I hope that everyone is as lucky as I am this holiday season.

Linda Marini and her husband Claudio lost their lovely neighborhood restaurant, Barbarini Mercato, when a wall of seawater washed in their front door and took everything they owned out with it. Now, facing a flood of insurance, property and financial hassles, Linda’s not sure whether they’ll be able to rebuild or not. Still, Linda and Claudio are focused on gratitude. Here’s what Linda’s grateful for this Thanksgiving:

As mentioned, despite the many negative blows, I have much to be thankful for this year.

Sandy might have blown our business away, but I am fortunate my family and I are alive, healthy and stronger than ever. I am grateful for our home and the community in which we live as well as our friends and neighbors who have shown so much love, support and encouragement.

I am grateful for the survivor spirit passed down to me by my parents. I am not someone that gives up. My parents both endured many hardships during the Cultural Revolution in China. My parents, my brother and I arrived in NYC with not more than $200 and a small suitcase in the late 70’s. My parents were determined to look forward, work hard and save so that they could give my brother and me the opportunities they were not able to have growing up in Communist China. They have truly experienced the American dream, were not afraid of anything and were able to run successful businesses as a result.

The spirit of moving forward no matter what is the priceless gift they have instilled in me and for that, I am extremely grateful, especially in moments like these. I am grateful for my three little rascals (Sebastiano, Federica and Camilla) who each day remind us why all of this is just so worth it. And, I am grateful for my loving and adorable husband Claudio who charms me every day like it was the first! Finally, as a resident of Lower Manhattan who chose to stay downtown after 9/11, I am grateful to be a proud New Yorker….we are resilient and will come out even stronger because we stand together!

I try always to stay positive and strong for my kids. What better way to teach them to overcome the many challenges in life? I hope you have a beautiful Thanksgiving with your family. We are aiming for one of the coziest ones!

No matter what challenges you’re facing this Thanksgiving, dig down deep, pull out your gratitude, and polish it up. Count your blessings and you’re guaranteed to feel better about life. Make gratitude a daily habit and you’ll be amazed how much easier your life will become.

